Bracelet (Ron)

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You sat down on the Gryffindor table, opposite your childhood friend, Ron Weasley. Harry was sitting next to him, and Hermione was next to you. As she looked up to see you, a small smile appeared on her face.

"Hello to you all." you said, smiling slightly at your friends. "How was Defence Against the Dark Arts?" you asked them, since you were not taking that class.

"Awful." Harry answered, and the other two nodded at his words. "It was bad enough that we had Snape in Potions, but having him in Defence Against the Dark Arts is simply cruel." Harry whined, and you couldn't help but smile at his words. "And to think I actually like that class."

"Oh, come on Harry, don't let Snape discourage you from becoming what you wish to be." you said, and at your words, the boy let out a sigh.

"It is hard not to do so." Ron spoke up, as he piled food in his plate.

"Yes, I mean, I actually told him of the use of non verbal magic, and he said himself that it was like I was reading from the book- this good, and he still did not award our house any points." Hermione cut in, and you frowned as you looked at them.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I earned some points in Hagrid's class." you said, and the three of them nodded at your words.

"Sorry we left you alone, but, you know, we don't really need that class." Ron said, and the other two nodded.

"Not to mention that Hagrid's class is somewhat dangerous." Harry said apologetically, and you could not help but nod at his words.

"I know it is, but you should have seen him, guys. He was really thinking that you would come. He was very dissapointed." you said as you started eating some food.

"We should better visit him and apologise, then." Hermione said with a frown on her face, and the boys, nodded at her words.

"You can do that, but first, I want to show you something." you said, a small smile on your face. The three exchanged confused looks before turning to you, and Ron nodded, waiting for you to show them what you had. "I was feeling somewhat creative last night." you admitted, and Hermione smiled as she turned to you.

"That's why you stayed up until midnight." she said, and you nodded at her words.

"Why did you stay up until midnight, Hermione?" Harry cut in, looking at the girl next to you confused.

"I was studying about what we had for the Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson today, but that's beside the point." Hermione said, before turning to your direction. "Please continue."

You smiled at her before reaching in your robes and pulling out three individual bracelets. They were simple, and each one was different than the other. There was a black one, a red one and a white one. You were wearing a gold one yourself.

"These, are some bracelets I made so that we can alert each other in case of an emergency." you said, and your smile widened as you caught sight of Hermione looking at them curiously.

"How does this work?" Harry asked as he looked at the three bracelets in your palm.

"Well, let me show you." you said. "This, is for you, Harry." you said, handing the black bracelet to the chosen one, who took it and fastened it around his wrist immediately. "This one, is for you, Ron." you said, giving the red bracelet to Ron. The boy put the bracelet on and then looked back up at you. "And this, is for you, Hermione." you said, offering her the white bracelet. The girl put it on, and you pushed your sleeve up to reveal your own gold bracelet around your wrist.

"Now, it is rather simple. You touch the bracelet," you touched your bracelet, "and think of the one you want to take notice of your notification." you said, and thought of the three of them. In a second, their bracelets started glowing and Ron smiled as he looked down at his bracelet.

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