Library Sessions (Scorpius)

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The library was always quiet, no matter the day or the hour. After all, that was the point of it. There would be no reason for it to exist if it didn't offer silence, as one could always study or read a book elsewhere. What the library couldn't promise, though, was a place without a crowd.

There usually wasn't a crowd in the library as not many enjoyed spending time in it, but still, there were too many people for your liking. Especially when the exams were approaching, it was packed, and at points, you even had the misfortune of not finding a seat. However, there was a specific time when nobody was there.

Most students didn't choose to wake up in the crack of dawn, as they quite liked their sleep, but you liked to disagree with them. You liked waking up early and having the whole day in front of you, and you quite enjoyed the silence of the castle while your fellow classmates were asleep.

One thing was for certain; nobody was in the library so early in the morning.

Wanting to use this to your advantage, you left the Ravenclaw common room early that morning and like you usually did, headed straight to the library. Upon entering, you sent a smile at the librarian before heading to the back of the room so that nobody would disturb you. You grabbed a random book on your way there and sat down near a window. You drew the curtains open so that the light of day got in the room and pleased, settled in your seat and looked at the book you had chosen.

Almost instantly, a scowl formed on your lips as you realised that you had already read that specific book.

With a light groan, you pushed yourself up and placed the book back on its shelf. You then searched around for a book that could interest you. As you got closer to the centre of the room, you heard the door open and then close softly, however, you didn't pay much mind to it. The librarian was human, after all, she didn't have to stay in the library all day.

Finally finding a book that could keep you interested, one that had specifically to do with space you hadn't read already, you made your way back to your table. Only to see that there was already a person there.

And he was sitting at your seat.

Your eyebrows shot up in surprise as you examined the boy that was bathed in sunlight, making his platinum blond hair appear non-existent and his skin slightly more lively than usual. You noticed he was reading a Potions textbook, and you guessed he was probably studying. You didn't want to disturb him, but still, he was sitting at your seat. That wouldn't simply do.

You cleared your throat, instantly bringing him to look up at the sound. Scorpius Malfoy sent you a small smile of acknowledgement before speaking up. "Good morning."

"Good morning," you echoed, "I am afraid you are sitting at my seat."

For a moment, he seemed confused, before he stood up and sat down on the seat opposite yours. "I didn't know you were here."

"I always am here at this hour," you revealed as you took your seat once again, "the question is what you are doing here. I would think that being a seventh-year, you would like your sleep as the final year is said to be difficult."

"And I would think that being a sixth-year, you would find your studies more difficult and would actually study rather than read a random book," he pointed out, a small smirk forming on his lips as he watched you. "Or are the classes too easy for you?"

You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his evident attempt at teasing you. Opening your book, you replied. "The classes aren't easy for me. I just like to get my homework done early and then have some free time."

"You said you are here every morning," he raised an eyebrow, "when do you have the time to finish with your studies?"

"I do it during the night," you shrugged, "I don't need long hours of sleep to function properly."

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