No Hard Feelings (James Sirius)

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You were walking in the infamous platform 9 and 3/4, searching for your friend. There was a call of your name from behind you, and you turned around to see who it was, the next second finding yourself attacked by a girl you knew all too well. You laughed as you hugged your friend back, the two of you pulling away some time later. You smiled at the girl.

"Sarah! You almost made me lose my balance!" you said with a grin, and the girl smiled innocently at you.

"Almost." You rolled your eyes at the girl, as she linked her arm through yours. She led you in the train, and the two of you found an unoccupied compartment, settling in.

"How was your summer?" you asked with a smile, the girl beaming at you.

"Oh it was great. We got to France, you should have seen mum, she was talking in French all the time, dad had to practically restrain her, she wanted to go everywhere!"

You laughed in return. Sarah's mum was French, while her father was German. Why had the girl been born in England, you had no idea.

"How do you feel? You made it, you are Head Girl, correct?" she asked. You nodded, the girl beaming again at you.

"That's great! Who is the Head Boy?"

"I believe that would be me." a masculine voice said from the door, and you both turned to the man standing near the door, James Sirius Potter.

"How the hell did you become Head Boy?" you asked incredulously, as James smiled charmingly at you.

"Is it so hard to understand?" he asked, inviting himself in the compartment, sitting next to you.

"How was your summer, James?" Sarah asked, not paying attention to the glare you shot in her direction. She knew you didn't like the boy, why was she speaking with him?

"It was alright, I guess. We stayed at home, but that was fine by me. Teddy came over a couple of times, Victoire was with him one or two times." he said, shrugging. "I think they are going to marry, you know."

"Oh that would be great!" Sarah said, an excited glint in her eyes, always the one getting excited about marriage. You really could not understand why she got so excited over it. What about it was so great anyway? James chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"I would love to stay and chat, but unfortunately, I have to borrow your friend for a meeting." he said. You narrowed your eyes at him as he smiled at you innocently.

"Of course, you can have her!" Sarah allowed without a second thought, and your eyes widened at her sentence.

"What? Are you crazy?" you hissed, but she only smiled sweetly at you. You glared at her before standing up, leaving the compartment to head to the compartment the meeting would take place. James followed after you, catching up to you effortlessly.

"Well, aren't you pleased you are going to share living quarters with me throughout the entire year." he said slyly, making you glare at him.

"How did you even manage to become the Head Boy? You weren't even a prefect!" you exclaimed, glaring heatedly at him. He only smirked at you in return, sending a wink at you. He walked in front of you as you reached the desired compartment, opening its door for you to get in. You got in, not shooting a glance to him.

You sat down, reading over what you had to do as a Head Girl. James sat down on the seat next to you, and you, even if you wanted to scoot away from him, didn't move away. You could not let a childish grudge prevent you from pointing out how the prefects should act. The prefects came in some time later, and when everyone was in, he addressed them first. You watched as he talked about what they had to do during the year, not able to quite shake the feeling that the way he addressed the others was a way that a Head Boy should. When he paused, you continued from where he had left the speech, and at the end of the meeting, you gave the prefects their patrolling schedules.

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