The Former Death Eater (Draco)

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Hello everyone! A Draco one-shot had been requested some time ago by both queen_anna8 and XSoieaX! I apologise for the long delay, it must have a month or something.. I hope you like this one! Goodbye until the next time!


You walked in the destroyed Hogwarts corridors, wanting to go to the of course destroyed by now Great Hall. The war was finished, you had won. You were one of the lucky ones, the ones that had no loved one die in the war. You were extremely grateful for that.

You reached the Great Hall, heading straight to McGonagall. In your last year, your sixth year, that the Carrows were the ones in control, the woman had helped you in many ways, even though she shouldn't. She had helped you get over some wounds, she had managed to keep you away from torture for some time, and many more. Needless to say, you liked the woman very much.

"Professor McGonagall!" you called. At the sound of your voice, the woman turned to you, a smile finding its way on her aged face.

"My dear, I'm so glad you are alright." she said when you came close to her, brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear affectionately. You smiled softly at the old woman.

"You'll see me next year, right? Do you want any help?" you asked, the woman shaking her head at you.

"No, it's alright. You can go, if you wish. I'll see you next year." she agreed, and you took some steps back, waving at your professor and friend.

You walked to the courtyard, outside the Great Hall, when your eye caught sight of something. Near the debris was a man, clearly not wanting to be disturbed. His black suit was filled with dust, and his usual platinum blonde hair was now almost grey from all the dust of the battle. You knew that man all too well, seeing him almost everyday in the corridors. He was almost as famous as Harry Potter and the Dark Lord these days. Even though he was in the other side of the war, you couldn't help but pity him slightly and feel bad. Draco didn't want to take part in a war. He didn't want to be like that. You just knew that he didn't. Your over thinking mind could not accept the possibility of someone wanting to do any harm to someone except if they were stupid, or abnormally bright. Draco was neither.

His shoulders shook, and you frowned. You knew that motion all too well, you had seen your classmates doing it far too many times than those you would like to admit. Draco was crying. You walked closer to him, now able to hear his sobs. You hesitated for some time, thinking of all the ways this could end badly for you. After some time of contemplating over the matter, you finally brought yourself to lay a hand on his shoulder, trying to somehow comfort him. Draco stiffened, before hurriedly brushing his tears away. You did not say anything as you sat down next to him, slightly forcing yourself to smile at him, and he seemed surprised to see you there.

"I thought you weren't aloud to fight." he murmured, his voice slightly hoarse from his crying, and at the sound, you smiled at him a little wider, this time, your smile genuine. How could you not smile to someone when they sounded like this? How could you not try to comfort them?

"I'm an adult, actually." you answered, looking at the older boy, taking in the black circles around his beautiful stormy grey eyes. Your dormate, Luna, was right. His eyes were still those of an innocent soul. He was not a murderer. He looked around with the same innocence and hope that could be seen in your own eyes, but while you did not mask your innocence, Draco's eyes hid the truth, under a thin veil of disbelief and doubt. The man had already seen and experienced too many to just hope. It was hard for him to do so. "Why were you crying?" you asked softly, and Draco's eyes darkened as you witnessed his body language shift to a guarded one, before he turned his head away from you, looking in the distance. His jaw clenched, and he inhaled from his nose before exhaling again, repeating the motion more than once.

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