Harry the Matchmaker (Ernie)

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You were duelling in the courtyard with a Death Eater, all the while checking to see if your brother was anywhere near you. Your brother, Nico, was a year older than you, and had insisted that he fought in the war. Between the two of you, you had always been the best in jinxes and curses, and so, you couldn't help but be worried about his safety.

You disarmed the Death Eater you were duelling, finally catching sight of your brother battling another Death Eater. You ran to his direction, about to help him, when your eyes widened. Another Death Eater came behind your brother, and as Nico was occupied duelling the first Death Eater, the other raised their wand.

"Nico!" you yelled, running to him as fast as you could. Your yelling caught many people's attention, Death Eaters and not, but Nico did not take notice. The dreaded spell left the Death Eater's lips, a woman, by the sound of the voice. A flash of green light left her wand, hitting your brother at his back. A scream left your lips as your brother fell down on the ground, limp and lifeless.

"Nico!" you screamed, running to your brother. Your fury burned every other thought away, and you only wanted one thing; kill. Kill them all.

"Avada Kedavra!" you yelled, striking the woman on the chest, your aim true. The other Death Eater turned to you, and you were about to give him the fate of the other one when someone else got him first. You looked briefly at Ernie that stunned the Death Eater, his face pale as he looked at the limp body of your brother.

"Nico!" you yelled again, kneeling next to him, frantically searching for a pulse, even though you knew you wouldn't find one. "Nico, please come back!" you cried, your tears landing on your brother's face. Someone pulled you back, and you screamed, kicking the person holding you.

Ernie's voice reached your ear. He was calling your name. You let him drag you away, your eyes glued on your brother's body. "Can you continue?" Ernie asked, concern in his voice.

"I'm going to kill them all." you growled, an animalistic glint in your eyes. Ernie hesitated to let you free, and once he did, you ran straight to the place the battle was raging the worst, killing Death Eater after Death Eater, your fury giving you power, the power making you merciless.

You continued killing people until Voldemort got in your mind, making everyone stop to listen. You did what he instructed, getting all bodies in the Great Hall. When you reached the destroyed room, your brother's body was already there. You walked to his direction, kneeling next to his head. You closed his eyes, a tear slipping from your own eyes. You would gladly trade places with him.

A man's voice called your name from somewhere behind you, uncertainly. You knew that voice all too well.

"Ernie, it's alright, I am alright. Remember, the battle is not over yet, we have to stay strong." you said, turning to your friend with a small weak smile. Ernie frowned, he looked like he was about to cry himself. He pulled you in a hug, and you gladly accepted it, comfort was something you needed.

"What happened?" Millicent asked from behind Ernie. Your cousin braved a look at the body next to you, immediately closing her eyes, letting out a shaky breath, keeping her emotions inside, appearing strong, but you knew better than anyone that if the tiniest thing happened, her resolve would crumble. She's been strong for too long.

"I'm sorry." she whispered to you, and you smiled, nodding at her from your position on Ernie's arms. You stepped away from him and walked to Millicent, hugging her tightly.

"It's alright." you said, even though on the inside everything was wrong.

"It isn't." Millicent whispered back.

"You've been extremely brave fighting against your own." you whispered in Millicent's ear, and you felt her nodding against you. You pulled away, and the two of you smiled at each other. You would stay strong, you had to.

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