The Messenger of Death (George)

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You left the room you shared with Ginny at the Burrow to head down to the kitchen. It was really early, but you were sure that Mrs Weasley would be awake at six o'clock in the morning. You smiled as you heard the sound of water running and entered the kitchen.

"Good morning Mrs Weasley," you said, and she turned around, a grin on her face.

"Good morning my dear. How come you are up at this hour?" A smile appeared on your lips at her question. Good old Mrs Weasley, always asking about other's well being.

"I couldn't sleep. I had another nightmare." you said and she frowned. She turned around, looking straight at you.

"You tell me you have so many nightmares, and yet you walk among us with not a care, like nothing happened. How can you do that?" she asked and you smiled, heading to her to wash the plates in the sink.

"They are just figments of my imagination. They are not real, and they won't turn real," you assured her with a smile.

"Are you sure?" she asked, the concern evident in her voice as you turned to her. "After all, you saw your best friend's death in your sleep." she reminded you, and you stiffened, nodding.

"That was a coincidence," you said silently. At the sight of you stiffening, the woman sighed.

"I'm sorry my dear. It's just that I can't help but worry about your nightmares. What was it, this time?" she asked. You turned back to washing the plates with a faraway look in your eyes, as you started reminiscing your nightmare.

"Hogwarts was in ruins," you said, in a small voice. "People were dead, I couldn't see who they were, or how many, and there stood the Dark Lord, looking at the people mourning from a distance, a sickening grin on his face," you finished, shuddering at the end of your sentence. "That can't happen." you continued after some seconds of silence. "There won't be a battle at Hogwarts. And, after all, the Dark Lord is dead," you said, and you heard the shuffling of her feet as she came closer.

"You are right. But you know, you should tell Sirius." Sirius, was your cousin, and even if he had never really been there, you trusted him very much. However, you still could not tell him everything. You shook your head.

"I don't want to worry him. I'll be alright. After all, a nightmare like this is not something unusual," you said, smiling at her again, and you turned back to washing the plates. You heard people coming downstairs.

"Morning mum," Ron said, and you smiled at the sound of your friend's voice. You turned around and grinned at him. His eyes widened at the sight of you.

"Why are you up so early?" he asked and you rolled your eyes. "You just came yesterday-"

"Exactly, I just came yesterday and you didn't acknowledge me the way you should. You didn't even greet me properly yesterday, you had Hermione to goggle at." Ron turned red, as his mum had heard everything.

"That's a load of rubbish," he said weakly and you grinned, walking up to him. You kissed his cheek and hugged him.

"I'm glad I got to see you, even if it is going to be just for a week," you whispered and you felt him smile against you, hugging you back tightly.

"I'm glad to see you too," he said as you pulled away. You winked at him and walked back to the kitchen.

"So, what are we cooking, Mrs Weasley?"


"Sirius!" you yelled, searching for him in the corridors of Grimmauld Place.

"Here!" he yelled back from the kitchen. You smiled and headed to the direction of his voice. You entered the kitchen to find all the Weasleys, Remus and Tonks with Sirius. Hermione came in not a second later, Harry following behind her. Harry beamed at his godfather and he did the same. You smiled as you headed to your cousin. You kissed his cheek and he smiled as he turned his eyes from his godson to you.

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