An Unlikely Match (Tom Riddle)

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You walked to the platform nine and three quarters alone, a blank look on your face. You looked around you, and when you saw that there weren't any muggles looking, you pushed your trunk into the brick wall, you following next, casually walking through the wall. You blinked quickly to see a scarlet train, and with a ghost of a smile on your face, you made your way inside the Hogwarts Express.

You got in the train and entered an empty compartment, closing the door behind you. You put your trunk over your head and sat down on one of the two seats next to the window. You looked outside at the people passing, having nothing better to do. Five minutes later, the door of your compartment opened. You didn't look up to see who came in. The one who joined you sat opposite you, and you raised your eyes to look at the kid.

He looked like he was your age. He was pale and had sharp features. His lips weren't thin, but weren't thick either, they had just the right size and shape. His eyes were a dark colour, but you couldn't quite pinpoint it. His face was blank, and you found yourself getting intrigued by him. Another one that knew how to school his features. One could tell he was handsome for a boy his age, and you found yourself getting interested in the boy, for whatever reason. You liked someone that was mysterious, it made you eager to solve them.

"I'm Tom Riddle." he mumbled as he realised you were staring, not looking at you once.

You told him your own name before turning to look outside the window again. The ride went on in silence, neither one of you speaking to each other. And as the ride went on, you found yourself getting interested in the boy you knew nothing of except his name, not his emotions, not his family, not his opinion on anything, just his name. You found yourself getting interested in the mystery that answered to the name Tom Riddle.


Second year

You were walking alone in the corridors when Dumbledore came to you. You looked up at him and smiled.

"Hello Professor. To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?" you asked politely. The professor returned the smile, but it seemed strained.

"I just learnt that your mother died." he said gravely, and at his words, you stopped walking as you looked at him, waiting for what he would say next. "I knew she was your last living relative, and I heard that with the war going on, your house was bombarded and she didn't make it. I'm sorry."

"It was not your fault, sir. Thank you for caring." you replied, and without saying anything else, you turned around and headed to the Ravenclaw common room. However, the second you turned the corner, you almost crashed on another student. Your eyes widened slightly as you looked up, only for your gaze to meet Tom's dark one. You seemingly froze, worry setting in your mind as you realised that maybe the boy had heard your words. He opened his mouth to say something, but you did not give him the chance to speak as you brushed past him and walked quickly to your common room.

The next morning, as you walked in the Great Hall, all chatter stopped, and every pair of eyes turned to you. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, but you immediately shook your head and walked to the Ravenclaw table, not letting this affect you. It could very well be some kind of coincidence.

However, it was proved otherwise as the students would send you uneasy glances every now and then. After some time, you caught pieces of their conversation.

"Yes, her mother is dead." came a whisper, and you paled slightly at the words.

"Yes, poor girl, she is an orphan."

You finished your breakfast as quickly as you could, wishing to leave that place. You sat up as you ate, and with quick strides left the Great Hall. You vaguely heard footsteps following after you, but you did not pay attention as you got up many stairs until you were on the seventh floor. You walked to a dead end. You turned on your right and closed your eyes as you imagined the room you wished to be in, a room full of books, two dark blue cosy armchairs and a small table in front of a fireplace. You opened your eyes, and waited for some time as a door appeared. You opened it and got inside.

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