Family Ties (Ron)

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Your yell was heard all throughout the garden but your sister didn't show any sign of stopping as you ran after her. She had taken the letter Draco had written you and ran away, leaving you to chase behind her. At the irritated sound of your voice she let out a laugh and continued running still. This was as far as you would let this go. You pushed yourself to run even faster than before. You were closing in on her, getting so close if you stretched your hand you would catch her. It was then you noticed there was a particularly large rock on Pansy's way.

"Watch out!" you shrieked but you were too late. Pansy tripped over the rock and fell on the ground, letting out a terrified scream as she did so.

"Pansy!" you yelled once more, running to her side two seconds later. Tears were cascading down her cheeks, her skin growing scarlet from humiliation. You frowned, your gaze falling on your letter she had taken that now lay on the ground right next to her, the girl making no move to pick it up.

"Don't cry Pansy," you murmured softly and she looked up at you, her green-blue eyes filled with tears. She let out another sob and your frown deepened. You brushed her tears away with your thumb and smiled softly at her.

"Come on," you said, "I will let you read the letter with me." Her sobs quieted down and she nodded. You picked the letter and helped her sit up, heading to the fountain in the center of the garden. You sat down on the marble around it, and you opened the letter, reading aloud what Draco had written you.

"Dear friend, how are you? I can't wait to go to Hogwarts and be sorted in Slytherin, and join you in the house of green and silver. I hope you are having fun, I will count the days until I see you again. Love, Draco."

You raised an eyebrow and turned to Pansy.

"I'm going to see him tomorrow, what is he talking about counting the days?" you asked and Pansy burst out laughing. You didn't even comment how he didn't even write your name. He tended to do that.

"Well," she said when she stopped laughing, "love does that to people." She wriggled her brows suggestively despite her tears. You pulled a face of disgust.

"Ew, Pansy. Draco and I is just gross."

"Sure," she winked. You looked at her in disbelief.

"Whatever," you huffed. "What do you think of tomorrow? We are finally going to go to Hogwarts."

"I can't wait!"

You beamed at her, relieved it seemed like her spirits had lifted and finally, you looked down at her appearance. The dress she had been wearing was now mud stained and a little ripped at the side, while her face was red and anyone could see the path her tears had made on her cheeks, not to mention that her eyes were red and puffy.

"Let's get you to mum," you said and she nodded. You helped her up and slowly headed back to the house, your letter at hand.


You stood next to Theo and your sister as Draco taunted the red-haired boy you knew was a Weasley. Your sister and Theo laughed as Draco insulted the poor boy, but you didn't find it really funny. McGonagall came back and tapped Draco on the shoulder, and he turned back, a small smile finding its way in your face as he was somewhat reprimanded for his behaviour. Finally, someone put things in order.

You got in the Great Hall with Pansy by your side. You looked around you curiously at the faces of the older students, and some smiled at you. You looked up and a small smile broke in your face as you saw the enchanted ceiling. You stopped just in front of the sorting hat and when it stopped its song, Pansy took hold of your hand, giving it a slight squeeze. As you turned to face her, you could see worry on her face.

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