A Couple of Differences (Theo)

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Hello everyone! So, this one is an one-shot with a muggle, just like us! While it is not a popular idea, to have a muggle with a wizard, I realised that this is closer to our reality, as we are muggles ourselves. And while it is not going to be something I will write regularly, there are going to be one-shots like this one. I hope you enjoy it! I'd love to see your reaction to this in the comments.


You were walking to the grocery, since your mother was too ill to move and purchase some food. Your father had long left you, and now your mum had to raise you and your two younger brothers. But now, she was ill, and she couldn't even move to cook a meal. That meant that you had to take care of her and your two brothers, not an easy task for a thirteen-year-old girl, right?

You were going to the grocery to buy some vegetables, you were going to cook a soup, in hopes that she got better. Your family was too poor to afford a doctor's visit at home, so you didn't know what your mum had.

You were walking in a fast pace, not really looking at where you were going, until you hit your head on something. You lost your balance and started falling when someone grabbed your waist, stopping your fall. You blinked in surprise both at the feeling of having someone touching your waist and the fact that you realised you were not going to hit the ground. Relief washed over you, and a small smile appeared on your face as you turned to the stranger.

You looked at your saviour to see a boy around your age with dark blue eyes, black midnight hair and sharp facial features looking down at you with a charming smile. You blinked rapidly up at him, your smile faltering in bewilderment. You had never seen that boy before, you were certain about it. But, he could not be a stranger. You were living in quite the small town, meaning that you should have known the boy since you would be going in the same school. In addition to that, he could as well be a classmate of yours. If he was not a stranger but did not go to the same school as you, then who was he?

"Are you alright there?"

His question had you shaken out of your thoughts and back to reality. You escaped his hold and took some steps back, reminding yourself that you should not be in such a close proximity with a stranger, no matter if he was your age and as handsome as possible. You still had to keep your distance.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you." you replied politely. "Not to seem rude or something," you said "but I really have to go to the grocery." you continued. You shot him a small smile and a nod and without saying anything else, you walked past him and made your way quickly to the grocery.

"What's your name?" the boy called out to you. You froze in your step, your eyes wide at his question. Should you answer? After all, he was a stranger and was asking for your name. Couldn't this be dangerous for you? However, he had helped you, in a sense. Since he had done something for you, it only seemed fair you would do something for him in return. And so, you told him your name and then left quickly to your destination. You reached the grocery five minutes later and got in. You bought the vegetables you wanted and returned to your family. You opened the door of your small house and got in.

"I'm back!" you called, immediately greeted by the sight of your younger brother, Mathew. He was five years old. He smiled at you broadly and you bent down, kissing his forehead, kicking the door closed behind you. You left the vegetables on the kitchen table and headed to your mother's bedroom, where she was at, every hour of the day. Your other brother, Daniel, was there. He was eight years old. He smiled at you and you rested a hand on his shoulder.

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