Joining his Cause (Tom)

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Your parents had told you from the time you were little that life was not fair. They had claimed that there was always something in store for you and that you would never be truly able to get away from your fate.

You did not believe them for a second.

You had realised that life was unfair, but that did not mean that you would simply let yourself be in the mercy of someone that was more lucky than you. You also were a little suspicious that indeed, some things had been decided for you long before you were born, but you would not let yourself make peace with someone you did not like mainly because of 'fate'.

The fact that the leader of the Knights of Walburgis did not accept women in his group was one of these things that bothered you and you wanted to change.

You walked straight to the armchair the Head Boy and leader of the Knights of Walburgis was occupying, just in front of the fire in the Slytherin common room. You wanted an answer and an explanation for his reasons, and you wanted that response only from him and not from one of his followers.

Wordlessly, you stood in front of him.

Riddle, slowly took his eyes away from the fireplace and raised his gaze to your face, a perfect eyebrow raised in question.

"Can I help you?"

"I believe so," you replied, looking him directly in the eye. "I would like to know why, according to your followers, you do not let any woman join the Knights of Walburgis."

As if amused, a small smirk curled in the corner of the man's lips. "Well, perhaps because the term 'knight' was only bestowed upon men."

"I am serious," you hissed.

All humour seemed to leave your housemate's face as he looked at you, his jaw clenching as if he was getting annoyed. "So am I. You are not fit for a knight. You are not strong enough-"

"What?" you exclaimed, your voice attracting some looks that you immediately silenced with a glare. "I am way better than most of the men in your group-"

"You will not interrupt me," Riddle cut in, emphasising each word. He stood up, his dark eyes glaring daggers at you. For a moment, you were tempted to turn your eyes away from his. "Women are not permitted because they are too weak and too proud to obey to a leader. You should learn how to respect your superiors first and then ask for a place in my knights."

"You have not tried me yet," you said firmly. "You do not know whether I truly am weak or too proud to obey. Give me a chance to-"

"No." You pursed your lips as Riddle turned around and headed straight for the exit of the common room. "I have made my mind. Don't search me out again."

Your eyes narrowed as you looked at the man as he left the common room. You bit the inside of your cheek, furious with his response. But still, you would not give up just yet. It was too early for that.

"Well, that was quite interesting."

You turned to the sound, your eyes hardening at the sight of Abraxas Malfoy. A smirk was on the man's lips, and from the way he was looking at you, it was clear his only intention was to mock you. What was also evident was the fact that he had heard every bit of conversation you had had with his leader.

"Perhaps you should have tried a different approach. Start begging him next time, will you? But make sure I will be there to see it, it will be quite entertaining-"

Quick as lightning, you pulled out your wand and before you had actually understood what you were doing, the incantation of a hex was leaving past your lips.

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