Therapy Sessions (Regulus)

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The library was probably your favourite place in the castle, the Ravenclaw common room coming close second. Most people visited the library to study or read a book of their preference, but not you. Or rather, not exactly you.

You went to the library to study but in the end, you never did. Always, someone would find you and ask you to talk. It was a well known fact around the castle that you were a great listener and an even greater advisor. Many of your classmates, same age or younger than you (as you were a seventh year and there wasn't possibly a student older than you), went to you for help. You were there to help them solve their problems.

Some of them came to you because they had a difficulty with their classes and needed you to help them schedule their time so as to not fail the class, some others came to you to ask for romantic advice. Whatever the problem was, you never discussed anything with anyone about it but only with the person involved. And perhaps that was the reason your little hobby had gotten so well known. Your 'talents' were known all across the school and even people you would have never thought would come to you eventually did come.

And when you saw from the corner of your eyes Regulus Black move over to your table that morning, you couldn't believe your eyes, especially as he sat down opposite you.

You raised your head, looking him in the eye and offering him a small, encouraging smile. He didn't smile back. He looked at the table in front of you, and you couldn't help but think he was nervous. About what, you still weren't sure.

"What do most of the people come to talk to you about?"

You kept smiling. "I can't say."

"I bet nobody would approach you for a problem like mine," he said seemingly to himself, "I don't know if you're qualified for this. This is important, my problem is a really hard one, I can't say.. I shouldn't have come in the first place."

He turned around to leave but you wouldn't have that. "Black." He stopped as he turned to face you, his expression unreadable. "Please sit."

For a while, he said nothing but then he turned around and sat back down with a sigh. "What is it?"

"How are you?"

He sent you a look. "Fine."

"Is that so?" He stood up once again but you raised a hand to stop him. "I just want to talk. How would you prefer me to call you? Black or Regulus?"

"Regulus will do."

You smiled. "Very well, Regulus. I've been reading many books about psychology recently. It's really interesting, I must say."

"Psychology is a subject muggles study," he observed with a questioning tone. "Why would a pure-blood like yourself bother with it?"

"It helps me understand the way others might think," you explained softly, "do you think what I'm doing is treachery? That I'm a blood-traitor for it?"

He paused slightly before speaking again. "No, I don't think so. But you shouldn't be too vocal about your preferences. Others won't be as accepting as I."

You nodded once. "I'm aware. I don't feel particularly threatened at the moment, though. I felt like I could share this with you even though I probably shouldn't."

Regulus seemed hesitant as he watched you. "Is this some sort of a test?"

You shook your head. "I usually don't test people."

"Then what is it?" he leant forward. "Are you trying to make me share things about myself?"

"I'm trying to make you feel more comfortable around me," you replied with a small smile. "You clearly wanted to tell me something when you first came here but for some reason you changed your mind. If you ever change your mind again and wish to see me, I'll be here to hear you."

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