Forever (Sirius Black)

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"Bye Dad, bye Mum." you said, waving at your parents. It was your first year at Hogwarts, and you couldn't be happier. You were relieved to finally be able to see people that were the same as you.

"Goodbye my dear!" your mother said, waving back at you. Your father smiled, and you waved at them before getting in the train, searching for a compartment. You found one with a red haired girl and a black haired boy, and deciding that you should make some friends, you knocked on the door of the compartment. They looked at you and the girl smiled, gesturing for you to enter. You smiled back and got in.

"Hello." you said, a small smile on your face. You told them your name, and the girl smiled back at you.

"I am Lily, and this is Severus." she introduced herself and the other boy that nodded at you. You nodded back at him. "Well, sit down." Lily said and you smiled, taking a seat next to her.

"Are you in your first year?" you asked and they both nodded. "That's great then!" you said, a smile lighting your features. "We could be friends!" you continued and Lily grinned at you at the same time the boy sent you an amused look. The train began, and you waved at your parents outside. You turned back to your compartment just as the door opened. Two black haired boys, one with blue eyes and round glasses and one with stormy grey eyes got in the compartment.

"Hello." the boy with the glasses said, sitting next to Lily, as the other boy sat down opposite you. Severus looked at the boy next to him in disdain and he smirked.

Rude, you thought, they didn't ask to come in. But they were admittedly handsome for their age.

"I'm James Potter." the boy with round glasses said to Lily with a charming smile.

"And I am Sirius Black." the boy opposite you said, winking at you. You and Lily exchanged a glance and Severus huffed. James began to say something to him, that must have offended him by the look on his face and you turned your attention outside, blocking out everyone around you. However, your plan did not exactly work. Not a second later, you felt a tag on your hair and looked up to see the boy that was called Sirius Black grinning at you like an idiot.

"You didn't tell me your name." he said and you raised an eyebrow at him.

You told him your name and turned back to the window, intending to ignore the boy. You felt another pull on your hair. You turned to him again, seeing him smirking at you this time.

"What house do you want to be in?" he asked and you rolled your eyes.

"I don't particularly care." you said, turning away from the boy again, looking out of the window to the green scenery. You felt yet another pull on your hair. You glared at him, and you saw a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"I want to be in Gryffindor, but I am afraid that I will be in Slytherin." he said, and you looked at him blankly.

"Good for you." you deadpanned. You turned back to look outside, only for him to pull your hair again not a second later. You snapped. You turned to him with a murderous glare, and he had the audacity to grin at you!

"I don't know who you think you are, Black, but frankly, you are annoying me immensely, and I want you to stop and just mind your own business! Or, even better, get out of here and find another compartment where they can stand you!" you hissed, and you saw hurt pass through his eyes only for a second before he pouted.

"And I thought we were friends." he said sweetly and you glared once again at him. Suddenly noticing the lack of noise in the compartment, you looked around, only to find that Lily and Severus were gone, only Potter and Black were with you.

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