Silver eyes (Scorpius)

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Hello everyone! I apologise for the long wait, I did not have much time to update, unfortunately, but I am now back with another chapter!  

queen_anna8 you had asked for a Scorpius one-shot, if I am not mistaken. I hope you like this one, even if you are not a Hufflepuff! 

You walked in platform 9 3/4, a huge smile on your face. This, would be your first year at Hogwarts.

"Sweetheart?" you heard your mother ask, but you did not turn around. You looked around you at the scarlet train in wonder, not able to comprehend how something so strikingly beautiful could be hidden from the muggle world.

"Darling can you hear me?" your mother asked you again, waving a hand in front of your face. You blinked as you turned your focus on your mother, and at her raised eyebrow, you couldn't help but giggle.

"Sorry mum, it is just, I guess I zoned out." you defended, and the woman smiled at your words.

"It is alright, sweetheart. I know this is propably exciting for you, correct?" she asked, and at her words, you nodded. The woman smiled at you, before leaning down to press a kiss on your forehead. "Now, I want you to have fun, make friends, but of course, study as well, right?" she asked, and you nodded once again at her. You threw yourself at her, hugging her tightly as she chuckled. Some seconds later, you pulled back, a wild grin on your face. The woman handed you your trunk, and so, you left, walking to the train.

You got in, and some time later, found an empty compartment. You did not lose a second to occupy the compartment, and as you got in, you put your trunk over your head, and then got out of the compartment, to see if there was anyone else around. You had come pretty early, truth be told.

As you got out, you crashed on something, and both you and that something let out a groan. You rubbed your head as you looked up, only to find yourself staring at stormy grey eyes, unlike any eyes you had ever seen.

"Are you alright?" the boy asked, and you shook yourself out of your thoughts as you nodded.

"I am, and I apologise for hitting you, I should have checked where I was going." you said, smiling sheepishly up at the boy, looking at him through your eyelashes. The blonde boy offered you a smile of his own before nodding.

"I am sorry for hitting you too. I am afraid I have to go, but maybe I'll see you at school. Goodbye!" the boy continue hastily, and with a last smile, he brushed past you. You followed him with your eyes as he got in another compartment, and you retreated into your own compartment as he left.

With a start, you realised you had not asked him his name, but then again, you were sure you would recognise him in case he talked to you. Who on their right minds would forget these stunning silver eyes of his, anyway?


Second year

You were walking in the direction of the Potions classroom, your books in your hands. As you turned a corner, you crushed on something, hitting your head against something hard. You groaned in pain as your books fell to the floor, and slightly unbalanced, you took some steps back.

"Are you alright?" a boy asked, and you looked down in surprise to see him reach down and retrieve your books for you. As he straightened up, you caught sight of his green and silver tie, and your eyebrows shot up in surprise as the boy handed you your books. Even if the war had long been finished, Hufflepuffs and Slytherins were still not exactly on good terms with the other. You took your books cautiously and looked up to see who had retrieved them for you, about to thank them, but your words died in your throat as you caught sight of silver eyes staring back at you.

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