Romilda the Matchmaker (Neville)

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Some would think that after graduating, you would have more free time, as school was no longer an issue in your life. You had been one of those people that believed that after school, you would finally be free to do as you wished, go on adventures every single day and party until the early hours of the morning.

It seemed like the way you saw life as an adult had nothing to do with the life you were living, though.

You had joined the Ministry mainly to please your parents. You hadn't wished to have a job there but you didn't want them being disappointed in you, so you did as they had told you. The only good thing about this was that you had had the chance to choose in which Department you wished to be in. And so, you chose the Department of Magic Accidents and Catastrophes, and some years later, you belonged in the Obliviators.

You could have never imagined that being an Obliviator required so much work! You had chosen that job because you actually liked Charms and had been told on numerous occasions that you were good at it, plus you had wanted to be in a position of prestige. However, it seemed like there was much work you needed to do.

Your work had to be absolutely perfect, no matter the day, the hour or your mood. Being an Obliviator was rather important, as you were part of the reason the magical world remained secret. Your younger self had thought that there weren't many things to do as an Obliviator as you had hardly heard of them, but now that you had joined the team, you could tell you were wrong.

Because the reason one didn't hear of their work was because it was so perfect there was no proof anything wrong had ever happened.

You were called in to obliviate someone at least five times a day, and so, you often found yourself in an almost abandoned village in Ireland obliviating an elderly couple and the next minute in the most crowded city of Wales, making sure that the drunken teenagers who had been stupid enough to show magic to muggles wouldn't cause any more harm.

Because of your rather wild work schedules, you didn't have the time to see your friends either. It was actually a wonder to meet up with one of them. You saw some of them in the Ministry, like Romilda Vane who had went on to occupy a place in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects Office.

Romilda had been a good friend of yours back in school, but you hardly had time to meet up these last days because of your work. It was rather important that when you actually met up, you spend the most of your time together. It was important that both of you would be punctual.

And as you ran as quickly as you could down the road of Diagon Alley to finally reach Gringotts, it was evident that you were late to your meeting.

Romilda would most likely be disappointed or annoyed. After all, you were late for about ten minutes, which meant ten less minutes for you to catch up.

Finally reaching Gringotts, you spotted Romilda talking to one of the guards, seemingly putting her seduction skills in use. With a soft smile you shook your head as you made your way towards her. Some things never got old.

"Romilda," you called out as you got closer, and instantly, she turned to face you with a wide smile.

"And I thought you'd never come!" she exclaimed as she headed straight to you, leaving behind the poor guard that watched her walk away in confusion. "You are late."

"I know, I know," you nodded as she started leading you away, "I was caught up in another mission-"

"Work again," she rolled her eyes, "Alright, I get it. Let's stop talking about work, though. I don't like such conversation."

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