The Champion's Sister (Harry)

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Beware! Chapter with feels ahead!
It is also like the longest one-shot I've written in this book yet, so I hope you won't get bored and continue reading till the end! I'll leave you to the update, hope you like it!


"Come on sis!" Cedric called, and you smiled slightly as you followed your brother, running straight to the wall that would lead you in platform 9 and 3/4. You closed your eyes as you passed through the wall, and then opened them again as someone pulled you to your right. "Wait for dad and mum to come through." Cedric whispered in your ear, and you nodded as you looked at the scarlet Hogwarts Express.

It was your third year at school, and your brother, was now a sixth year. The fact that you were sorted into Gryffindor had not discouraged you or Cedric, who still spent time together, doing what siblings normally did.

"Well then kids, you'd best be going." your father, Amos Diggory said, placing a hand on your shoulder. Your eyes looked around him, and you frowned slightly, but Cedric was the one to talk.

"Where's mum?" he asked, and your father smiled slightly as he clapped a hand on your brother's shoulder.

"She is waiting for me outside. I have to go. Have fun at school." your father replied, and after ruffling Cedric's hair and sending a wink in your direction, he ran back to King's Cross Station.

"Well, we'd best be going." Cedric muttered, and you smiled at him before looking down at the trunks in his hands. One was yours. Without asking for his permission, you took your trunk from his hand and walked to the train. You got in, and were about to head to find a compartment when a hand was placed on your shoulder, stopping you from moving any further.

"I'll see you at school?" Cedric asked, and you smiled as you turned to look at him. You nodded, and reached up to place a kiss on the boy's cheek.

"See you at Hogwarts, brother." you answered, and with that, you made your way to the end of the train to find an empty compartment.

"Diggory!" someone called, and you turned to the sound, a wide smile appearing on your face as you caught sight of Seamus, Dean and Neville smiling at you, the latest waving from a compartment, its door open. "Will you join us?" Seamus continued his question, and you nodded at him as you got in their compartment, and closed the door behind you.

"Hello Seamus, Dean, Neville." you greeted as you placed your trunk over your head, before sitting down next to Neville. "How were your holidays?" you asked, and the boys smiled as they looked at you.

"It was generally nice." Dean said, and the rest nodded.

"Have you heard of Sirius Black?" Seamus asked, leaning forward in his seat.

"Who hasn't?" Neville exclaimed, looking around him uncomfortably. "He's all over the Daily Prophet!"

"Why do you think he escaped now?" you pondered, and at your words, Seamus let out a humourless laugh.

"He escaped with the first chance he got. There is no other motive behind his escape." Seamus answered, and your eyebrows furrowed dubiously at his words. After all, you knew that if he was caught he would be punished with a Dementor's Kiss. Why would someone wish to escape if they knew that the consequences of their actions would lead to that horrible act?

"Come on, guys, Sirius Black is all everyone talks about! Not you too!" Dean whined, and you smiled slightly as Seamus shot the boy a look. The train started moving, and you leaned back in your seat as Seamus contradicted Dean's words.

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