Of Snake and Lion (Harry)

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For years and years, you had heard stories about Hogwarts from you aunt and uncle. Everyone would respect you, they had said, everyone would know the value of your surname. In the end, though, the only house that valued the Lestrange surname was your own.

From the time you were little, you and Draco had talked for hours about the day you would finally attend Hogwarts. Everyone in the school would respect you and do as you had asked. Everything was going to be perfect.

And then you had started school and it came out Harry Potter was in the same year as you. Draco had tried to befriend him but he had failed, and so, from an ally, Potter had become an insufferable opponent ever since.

Whatever Draco did, with your guidance and advice in mind, he was there to make sure your plans failed. After a while, it was clear to both of you the only way you would spend your time at Hogwarts the way you had always wanted was if Potter left the school.

It was Draco's idea to schedule a duel and you to be his second. Of course, you would never actually duel. It was all a fraud and you had personally talked to Mr Filtch just before going to sleep. There was no way Potter and his friends weren't going to get expelled tonight. You spent that afternoon playing chess with Draco, having a tremendously good time, believing you had gotten rid of Potter for good.

Only to notice that the next morning he was still there.

"Lyra," Draco's voice cut in your thoughts as you left the Great Hall to attend your first class. Turning to him slowly, you raised an eyebrow.

"I'm listening."

"We'll have more opportunities to show him we have the power here. Even if we failed last night-"

"You're right," you cut in before he could continue his sentence. Turning to face him, you offered him a smile and a nod. "We have plenty of years to make our plan work. Harry Potter hasn't heard our last word yet."

You shared a smirk with Draco, and with that, you got to your first class.


You were on your way to the Slytherin dungeons, when you heard someone coming. You hid in the shadows, as it was past curfew, and you didn't want to get caught by any prefects. Since the chamber of secrets had opened, the school had increased security, meaning that is was more difficult for one to sneak out of the common room. However, that didn't mean you couldn't do it. You wouldn't call yourself Lyra Lestrange if you couldn't.

You heard the voice of Percy Weasley, as well as Draco's, and two boys that sounded a lot like Crabbe and Goyle, but that couldn't be. There were some small differences. Maybe Crabbe and Goyle weren't feeling all that well today. You reached the four boys, hidden in the shadows, witnessing the fuming prefect leave and Draco turn around, gesturing to Crabbe and Goyle to follow him. You followed behind the three, and after being sure that no other prefect or professor was near, you walked soundlessly behind the boys.

"I'm surprised you didn't earn yourself a detention," you said, making all three boys jump up in fright at the announcement of your presence. You smirked at their faces, winking at Crabbe and Goyle as you passed them, heading straight to Draco who had his hand over his heart, breathing heavily.

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