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Kai stared down at his opponent. A large, middle aged general from East Hikari had fallen to this 14 year old boy. The tenth victim of the young prince.

Kai reached out a hand to help the man up, but the latter brushed it off and stomped away, grumbling. Kai scoffed. This competition was getting boring. Hikari's greatest warriors, young and old, had shown up. Many had burned through their opponents, until they met the first prince of the kingdom. Was there no one who could give him an exciting fight?

"Kai!" a voice called from next to the platform. Ah. Great. It's Kasumi. The young girl was dressed in a flashy pink and white kimono with overdone makeup and an elaborate hairpiece. Kai sighed and leapt down from the platform, desperate for the inevitable conversation to end quickly.

"Oh my gosh, that was AMAZING! You're so strong, Kai!" Kasumi squealed and clapped. "Arigato, Lady Kasumi." (A/N Arigato means thank you in Japanese, that is the language used in this book) The 12 year old girl giggled and twirled her hair shyly. "You don't have to call me that! Just call me Kasumi like you always do!" The prince held back a sigh of exasperation. "I wish to show respect to my father's most trusted general's daughter. Besides, we aren't kids anymore. I can't be so casual." Kai suddenly realized that Kasumi was a bit more occupied with his arms than what he was saying. That's it. I'm out, not dealing with this anymore!

"I'm sorry, my lady, but I must see my father. Goodbye." Just as he turned to leave, Kasumi grabbed his shoulder. "Ah-! Wait-!" Kai turned to her, and she looked down, her face flushed. "Uh, I was wondering if, you might join me at the Imperial garden later? Please?" The prince ran a hand through his hair. Ugh, when she puts on the puppy eyes, refusing seems heartless. "Alright. I will see you then." Kasumi looked up, surprised, but then a smile spread across her face. "Thank you! Say hello to the king for me!"

Kai sped to the king's throne, where the latter sat to watch the competition. "Father, I am getting bored. Can we please end this and go home?" King Masaki looked down at his son, both in pride and frustration. He had won every round, but he was still so unenthusiastic! "Fine." The king conceded. "We will have one last call for opponents, and if no one shows, we leave." Masaki snapped his fingers to summon the announcer. After whispering a few things in his ear, the announcer turned to the large crowd and shouted, "IS THERE NO ONE LEFT BRAVE ENOUGH TO BATTLE THE PRINCE KAI?!!?!?!"

The crowd went silent. But it didn't stay that way.

"I will." A single, solitary voice rang out across the crowd. All heads turned to see a young girl standing in the fray. She wore a cloak and a hood that covered her eyes, and she held a large spear in one hand.

Everyone parted to create a path as the girl walked slowly towards the platform. She shouldered her spear and smiled sweetly at those surrounding her. That smile was like poisoned honey.

As she stepped up onto the platform, Kai observed her, intrigued. No woman had ever challenged him before. He knew enough never to underestimate a female, especially this one. She carried that large blade with ease, she was the same height as him, and she radiated mystery.

The referee asked her, "What is your name, girl?" A mischievous smirk appeared on her face. "Akira."

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