Chapter One

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I woke up to see Eclipse land squarely on one of the sakura branches outside my window. She lets out a loud screech of greeting. "Jeez, can't you come home more quietly, Eclipse?" My pet hawk nips my finger lightly, as if telling me to get out of bed. "Why? Is there something important today?" Eclipse lets out a slightly disgruntled low call. "Ah. Right, it's lady Kasumi's 16th birthday, isn't it?" My hawk bobs her head in confirmation. I groan and stumble out of bed. If I had to pick the one day of the year I hated most, it would be this one. An entire day of listening to that girl's pitiful attempts at flirting with Prince Kai, and having to sit through all the insults she throws at me. She's such a happy-go-lucky, sparkly teenager, with absolutely no sense of danger. Having that would be helpful for her, since she's at the top of my hate list.

I slip into my usual outfit-a purple tunic, black pants, black cloth wrist guards, a black belt with my dagger, and a black hooded cloak trimmed with gold that goes down to my hips.(A/N the outfit in the picture) I attach the chain at my neck, pull on my boots, and grab my spear. I leave my hood down, and chew on a cinnamon leaf so that my breath doesn't smell like total crap before I leave. (A/N a cinnamon plant is a something only grown in Hikari. It has flowers and leaves that taste and smell quite good)

My silver eyes rake across the open hallway, to the courtyard beyond. A light breeze ruffles my waist length, jet black hair. I decide to escape to the stables and spend the day with the horses. It's better than having to listen to Kasumi. Akira, you're so sloppy! Akira, you eat too much! Akira, if you so much as look at Prince Kai I will cut your heart out!

I walk along the hallways, ignoring the flirtatious looks and comments the guards make. Right now, I just want to have a quiet, peaceful-


I whirl around to see a young woman storming towards me. "Hello, Lady Kasumi. I did not expect you to arrive so early." I bow respectfully before she can start ranting about my "horrid" manners. I'm determined not to let her get to me today.

My plan seems to work, as she looks slightly disappointed that she has no reason to insult me. "Have you seen Kai anywhere? I want to speak with him." While saying his name, Kasumi blushes. Wow. This is a bit sad.

I'm about to tell her that I have not seen the prince, but an evil thought pops into my head. "If I had to guess, I would say the prince is preparing the birthday surprise he planned for you - oh, I shouldn't have said that." Kasumi's head immediately snaps up and throws me a look. "What? He's planning a surprise for me? What is it?!" I look around, as if confirming no one is listening, and drop my voice to a whisper. "His Royal Highness wanted to take you for horseback riding in the yard near the stables. But you didn't hear it from me."

Kasumi gasps and flushes with excitement. Unable to help myself, I add, "He planned to hold you really tight."

That does the trick. Kasumi looks like a human firework, ready to explode with anticipation. "OhmigoshohmigoshohmiGOSH!!! Do you think he's up now? Would he be mad if I knew about the surprise?" I grin. "I sincerely doubt it, my lady. Why don't you go to his room and go horseback riding right now?"

Without another thought, Kasumi races off towards Prince Kai's room. I grin evilly. Time for phase two of operation "Make Kai live through Hell"

I run to a specific room in the palace and knock on the door. It opens to reveal a 16 year old blonde boy, and I whisper excitedly. "Your older brother is about to be part of a MASSIVE chariot wreck. You have to come see!" Prince Ichiro smirks. "What did you do now, Aki?" I smile slyly.

"You'll see."

AYYYE thank you so much for reading this book. I promise the plot will be more interesting soon. Goodbye, fellow wattpadders!

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