Chapter Twenty-One

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I keep my head down as I walk through the crowded streets of Kuuto, searching for a secret alley way known to few.

As I search the city, I notice a tall, cloaked figure walking in the same direction as I am, right in front of me. Who is this guy? I can't risk trying to talk to him, that's just plain stupid. I look towards the rooftops, a hint of a smile on my face.

I know I promised I wouldn't attract attention, so walking on the buildings, where no one will be, is okay, right?

My eyes dart around, checking for anyone, and I creep into the small space between two buildings. I pull myself up to the roof and crouch low, making sure no one can see me. Suppressing my presence is a simple matter, and I melt into the shadows of the rooftops as I hurry to Ogi's place.


I land in front of the entrance to Mr. Ogi's hangout, far ahead of that cloaked man. I walk into the place with my head held high, but my hood staying up.

The smell of alcohols and drugs linger in the air, and I see several arm wrestling competitions, shogi matches, and drinking contests. I see mostly scruffy looking men, a few women, but I keep my eye out for a long haired, pipe-smoking, bad tempered old man. Also known as Mr. Ogi.

I finally spot him at a table on the far side of the place, clearly losing at a game of shogi. Just as I am about to walk over to him, however, a pair of arms wraps around my waist, and someone rests their chin on my shoulder.

"Hey there pretty lady," the drunken man slurs. "What are you doing in a place like this? I could protect you if you want. We'll take it slow."

I stay silent. Then I ask him, "Do you enjoy being a man?" He blinks, confused, and then nods.

"Well in that case..." I turn my head towards him slightly, my eyes covered by my hair.

"You shouldn't touch me so carelessly, lest you wish to become a eunuch."

My eyes burn as I say this, my face twisted into a scary grin. The man starts, and backs away, crashing into a table where two others are having a drinking contest. As they beat him up, I stalk towards Mr. Ogi's table, the two men sitting there barely glancing at me.

"Hey old man. Anything exciting happen in town while I was gone?" Ogi grumbles at me. "Shuddap, you little brat. I'm trying to win this game. Besides, I require payment for my services."

I smirk slightly. "Payment huh? Well let me see..." I stand in front of the shogi board, examine the game, and pick up one of the pieces. "If I move this piece here..." I set the piece down on a certain square, winning the game for Ogi in one move.

"Huh? WAHA, I WON!!! HAH!!" Ogi proclaims, one foot on his chair, the other on the table. The other man looks at me in disbelief and lays his head on the table with a sigh. I simply tip his chair over and he tumbles onto the floor, letting me sit in front of Mr. Ogi.

"So? How've ya been, old timer?" I ask with a smirk, my head in my hand, my elbow resting on the table. "I'm not that old!" He spits indignantly, almost like a child. Then he sighs, glancing at me. "Look, Kira, I'd be glad to chat with you after all these years, especially after you won me that game. Unfortunately for you though, I'm expecting someone right now."

I raise my eyebrows. "Really? Who-" I'm cut off by the front door opening, and all the men call out to the person who enters. "Won, good to see you!"


I turn towards the entrance, where 'Won' has just pulled off his hood. We both freeze at the same time, staring at each other in disbelief. At the same time, we both say,



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