Chapter Three

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I sigh as the young guard's sword goes flying once more.

After being verbally abused by Kasumi, and having to watch as Kai said nothing, I decided to burn off my anger by training some of the newer guards in Hinode Castle. Sadly, I have a lot of work to do.

"No, no. You aren't applying good defense. If you defend correctly, an opening will come in for you to attack." The guard looks at me slightly confused, so I grab another guard from the side and push him in front of my "student." I take their swords and hand them wooden bo staffs. "Why are we using staffs now? When I was battling you, we both used real blades." I shoulder my spear and smirk slightly. "First, I'm skilled enough to know when to hold back. Also, it wasn't necessary to take away your sword because I seriously doubt that you could even cut me if we were in a serious fight." The guard flushes in embarrassment and looks away.

Among the small crowd of guards at the edge of the battleground, I hear an indignant whisper. "How degrading to be bossed around by a woman."

I slowly turn towards the group, my eyes flashing and my lips forming a sickly sweet smile. "Who said that?" I ask, venom dripping from my every word. The guards all part to reveal a sour faced young man. I step towards him angrily. "Hold out your arm." He looks nervous, but he sticks his left arm out. In a second his face is pressed into the ground by my hand,my other one twisting up his arm and my knee digging into his back. "Would you like to repeat what you just said?" I inquire in a sugary voice. He gasps in pain, his free arm repeatedly slamming the ground. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that!" I smirk. "Yield?" The guard yells out. "Yield! Yield!"

Satisfied, I let the idiot up. He rubs his arm and quickly runs back into the group to hide. "Anyone else have something to say?" Everyone in the crowd quickly shakes their heads, looks of both fear and admiration present on their faces.

"Aki! Hey, AKI!'

I turn around to see Prince Ichiro running towards me. All of the guards kneel in respect, but I simply give a standing bow. "Your Highness, is something the matter?" He grabs his knees, gasping for breath, before he looks up. A look of urgency in his eyes.

I give directions to the guards. "Go ask Commander Maya to oversee your training. Tell him I sent you." Nodding, they all grab their weapons and head off. I turn back to Ichiro. "Did something happen?" He nods, clearly worried. "You see, it's Kasumi." I raise my eyebrows. "Did something happen to her?" As much as I hate Kasumi, it's my job to protect the higher-ups of the country when they visit. If she was injured or killed, it would reflect badly on my reputation.

Ichiro shakes his head. "Nothing happened but... her birthday celebration is going on, and you really need to come!" I can barely suppress an eye roll. "Uh huh, I heard. I'm also not invited, so why would I come?" The second prince doesn't bother to keep the look of disgust off his face. "It's just...she's all over Kai! It's sickening! She keeps following him around like a clingy, lovesick puppy, spewing compliments and trying to get some in return." His voice changes to a high pitch. "Oh, Kai, you're so strong! Kai, what do you think of my lipstick? Kai, could you help me put on this necklace?" Ichiro shakes his head. "It is just so desperate and hard to watch! You've gotta come help! Kai asks for help too," he added, as though that would make me suddenly want to go and help. Instead, a dark look passes over my face. "No way. First off, Kasumi would probably have me executed if I walked into her celebration. Second, Prince Kai didn't even say a word when Lady Kasumi insulted me earlier, so why should I do anything for him?" Ichiro raises his eyebrows. I sigh. "Anyway, what would I even do? Go put on a dress and try to one-up Lady Kasumi on her own birthday?" The young prince grins. "Actually, that might-" "NO. There is no way you will be able to get me to wear a dress. That time when I first arrived was bad enough."

Ichiro sighs, clearly starting to get annoyed with me. "Well, the nobles and guests are getting bored at the celebration. Any chance you could do something about that?" As soon as he catches sight of my expression, he backs away. I have a dark aura surrounding me, my eyes are hidden by my hair, and I'm laughing evilly. "Oh, I have the perfect idea for that." I whisper my plan into his ears, and Ichiro immediately breaks into a large grin.

"THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!!! I'LL TELL EVERYONE!!" He runs off and I smirk to myself. "This'll be fun."

I duck behind one of the food covered tables as Kasumi passes, calling my name. "Kaaaiiii!!! Where'd you go?!?!"

Please don't look behind the table, please don't look behind the table...

"There you are!"

...Aaaaaaand she looked behind the table. My luck never holds.

Kasumi, surprisingly sat down next to me, looking over her shoulder as though to make sure no one noticed her. "Actually, I'm kind of glad no one can see us right now." I tilt my head in confusion. Her face is dusted a light pink. "I have...something I want to tell you."

Oh no. Here it comes. I can tell by the set of her jaw and the look in her eyes that she is confessing. This is terrifying. I don't love Kasumi, but telling her that is extremely hard. It always is, no matter the person. Several girls have said that they liked me, and I found it hard to reject them. It just felt really cruel. And with Kasumi, it'll be even worse. She's liked me since I was 8 and she was 6, which means a crush that's gone on for a decade! I can't do this!

Kasumi takes a deep breath. "Kai... for the longest time, I've-"


The celebration hall's doors burst open to reveal an excited looking Ichiro. Phew! Saved by the 16 year old!

"Lady Akira of Hinode Palace wishes to challenge anyone who believes that they are worthy enough to be in Lady Kasumi's presence!"

At these words, almost the entire hall erupts in shouts of challenge. Everyone wants to fight, some for glory and fame for beating the strongest warrior in all of Hikari, some for the hidden jibe about them all being too low to be at Kasumi's birthday party. I also want to see how Akira fares, and how many are stupid enough to go challenge her. "Kasumi, are you coming to watch the matches with me?" The birthday girl looks down, but then she forces a smile on her face and nods. "Y-yeah! Let's go..."

I look at her downcast face and immediately feel guilty. I feel so selfish and insensitive, but I can't get her hopes up. The farther she is from me, the better.

I walk out of the hall along with Kasumi and all the other guests, careful to look straight ahead.

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