Chapter Four

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Picture above is of Akira's Quandao. Notice the dragon etched on the blade...

If you read my character descriptions, then be warned, I made some adjustments to the descriptions, so go back and read the descriptions again. ALL OF THEM. So just know, that after seeing this, if you are confused at any visuals I give in this chapter, then it's because YOU. DIDN'T. LISTEN!!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AKIRA'S POV

I duck as the blade of a double edged sword cuts through the air above me. Swinging my leg out, my ankle connects with my opponent's leg and they go crashing to the ground. I jump up into a standing position and I knock the sword out of my opponent's hands. It skitters to the edge of the field, and I swing my Hsu Quandao at the neck of the opposition.


It stops just before it touches the skin. The opponent huffs in anger and stalks off the field.

Right now, I'm battling the nobles that attended Kasumi's celebration. I've just beaten the leader of the Hyō Clan to the east, Yan Ryo. I wipe away the sweat that's beaded on my forehead, and Ichiro hands me a canteen of water. Battling 10 of the toughest warriors in Hikari in a row really takes it out of you.

After seeing the leader of the Taka Clan , leader of the Ōkami Clan, and leader of the Fukurō Clan all defeated, not too many people stepped up. The direct underlings, the next generation of generals, all tried as well, but failed. Now no one is volunteering, but I want one more battle. One more, that is invigorating and challenging.

A voice speaks up. "I will fight next against Lady Akira."

I turn my head and see Prince Kai walking onto the field, with one twin sword in each hand. Oh ho? It's been a while since I fought him. Should be interesting.

Murmurs pass through the crowd, and I catch the glint of coins being taken out. People are betting on who will win. In previous matches, this was also done, but not as much as now. Almost half the people believe that Kai will win. That's no good. I have a reputation to uphold. The fierce Tiger Lily of Hinode, the Winter Assassin, the most powerful warrior in all of Hikari.

Kai and I each bow to each other, and he smirks. "Lady Akira," he mutters. "Known for her cold beauty and vicious fighting technique." I raise my eyebrows. "Oh? You consider me beautiful, Prince Kaito? I'm flattered, but don't expect me to go easy on you." Kai grins evilly. "If I win, you have to call me Kaito-sama for the next year." I nod. "Deal. If I win, you have to call me Oniyuri-sama." He sighs, but nods.

He didn't deny that he thinks you're beautiful...

"Akira, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met, and I'll never leave you."


"I promise."

My heart thumps as an old memory resurfaces, and I cringe in pain. No. Not him. Don't remember him. He's gone. He's gone and he won't come back. I shake my head to clear my thoughts, and the match begins.

Kai and I circle each other, my Quandao held in front of me, his twin swords in attack position. He lunges with the sword in his right hand and I block it with my blade, angling it so that it reflects back at his face. Kai deflects it with his left sword, but this leaves his side open. I swing at him, but he blocks the blade in a cross of his swords. He pushes off my attack and I flip backwards to regain balance.

But I almost lose that balance when I catch a glimpse of Kai's expression.

His face is completely blank, his eyes dull, but that doesn't last long. His features twist into rage, and he looks almost...bloodthirsty.

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