Chapter Five

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Pic is of Akira when she was 16. I'd love to say I painted it, but I didn't.



I splash water onto my face. As it turns out, Akira's blood didn't just get on Ichiro's robes...

I stare at my reflection in the small pool of water. I look normal. But I don't feel normal.


What must I have looked like then?

Were my eyes insane? Was my mouth a snarl?

Did that person from before feel any remorse? Are they still inside my head, waiting to reveal themselves again?

Does Ichiro hate me? Does Akira hate me?

She must, she didn't even let me touch her.

"Prince Kaito!"

I turn around to see one of the doctors walking to me. "What is it?" I ask colorlessly. "Your Highness, Lady Akira is awake." This catches my attention. "How is she? What are her injuries?" The doctor patiently answers my question. "She has a few small cuts and bruises on her arms and legs, which should heal quickly. She must have bit her tongue or inside of her cheek, which resulted in a cut in her mouth." Ah, so that's why she was coughing blood. "As for her back..." The doctor hesitates at this, but I need to know. "Luckily, no vital organs were harmed. She's lost a lot of blood though, so she needs rest. A scar will result, but other than that, no permanent damage."

I don't feel relieved. I left a scar, I hurt her forever. I need to see her. "Take me to where she is, now." The doctor doesn't hesitate to do this, but I can see that he is wary of me.

*time skip brought to you by mein awesomeness*

I knock on the door to Akira's room. "Come in."

I open the door to see her lying on her stomach in bed, her head resting in her arms and a blanket covering her. She stares at me for a second, then a small smile crossed her face. "Were you worried about me? That's really cute." I don't laugh. Instead, I slowly approach her and ask, "...Are you mad?" She doesn't hesitate to answer. "Of course I'm mad. They're making me lie down on my stomach! ON MY STOMACH! Do you have any idea how uncomfortable that is?"

My fists clench, and my hair covers my eyes. "...Don't do that." Akira raises an eyebrow. "Do what?" I glare at her, furious. "THAT! Don't do that! Stop ignoring this! I hurt you! I sliced you with my sword! You're weak right now because of me!" She merely stares at me, unblinking. I start to lose it. "Don't just lie there! Do you have any idea how worried I was? How scared I still am?! How can you just stay silent like this?!!"

I'm yelling now, unable to stop myself. Why isn't she mad at me? Why won't she do anything?


My head snaps up. Akira isn't smiling anymore, she looks solemn instead. "Did you hurt me?" I blink, and then answer. "Of course I-" "I'm asking if you were the one who had the intention of hurting me," she interrupts. "I don't want you to say, "I was the one who injured you," I want you to tell me whether you intended to hurt me or not." I stare at her, and then slowly answer. "I never wanted to hurt you."

Akira smiles softly. "Then I have no reason to shout, or to be angry with you." I search her silvery eyes for any hint that she's lying, but I find none.

...She doesn't hate me?

Akira continues. "Can you hand me that water on the table?" I look next to the bed to see a bamboo cup filled with water and hand it to her. "Thanks." She slowly sits up, and the blanket falls away, revealing that her upper body is wrapped in only bandages.

My face immediately reddens, and I stutter out, "W-well, I-I think I'll go tell Ichiro that you're awake!" Without even waiting for a reply, I dash out of the room. I'm all the way on the other side of the palace before I stop running.

I double over, breathing heavily, my face still red. "Nii-san? (Big brother) Why does your face look like a tomato?" I look up to see Ichiro wearing light green robes and an inquisitive look on his face. "Well, Akira's awake, and I went to go visit her." He raises his eyebrows. "Did you do something?" I shake my head quickly. "I didn't do anything, but she asked for water. So I gave it to her, and she sat up, and the blanket fell, and..." Ichiro's blue eyes widen. "Ehhh?! Are you saying that you were checking her out when she was na-" "NO!!! I just felt embarrassed that she was only wearing bandages on her upper body and ran away!!"

Ichiro laughs lightly. "Okay. Well, I'll go visit later. I was actually trying to find you. Father wants to see us." I raise my eyebrows. "Oh? Well, let's go then."


We arrive at Father's room, and a servant opens the doors. Father is lying on his bed, looking unhealthy and tired. My brows furrow. He's still so ill. Why? He was a healthy man, and he isn't particularly old either. But a year ago, this happened. And now he can barely move.

Kai and I kneel next to his bed. "Kaito... Ichiro..." he whispers hoarsely, giving a weak smile. Kai wipes away the sweat beading on our father's forehead gently. "What is it, Father? Do you need something?" I ask. "A book to read, tea..." "A pretty lady-in-waiting?" Kai suggests jokingly. Father starts to laugh, but it quickly turns into a cough. Kai and I exchange worried looks. He's gotten worse. We don't even know what this sickness is.

Father recovers from his coughing fit and looks at us lovingly. "As nice as that would be, Kai, I have something important to discuss. I...I fear I won't be here for much longer." I flinch, and rest my hand over his. "Don't say that Father. You'll get better, the doctors..." "Ichiro," he interrupts gently. "I need you to make sure your brother never loses sight of what's important when he's a ruler. You know how clouded his judgement might get." I laugh weakly, tears threatening to spill over. Kai throws his arm around my shoulders. "Looks like I'm in your care now, little bro." Although he's smiling, I can see the sorrow in his eyes.

Father turns to Kai. "Kai... did I ever tell you who your mother was before I married her?" My brother looks confused for a second. "Um, no, I don't believe so." Father lightly smiles. "She was a palace cook. I married her even though my own father disapproved, even though he wanted me to marry another woman. But I loved her, and I was happy with her, and I was even more happy when you two came along." Kai and I smile at our father, and his story of our mother's humble beginnings. "However," he continues. "I realized that I was doing the same thing to you that my father did to me." Kai raises his eyebrows. "What are you saying?" Our father takes a deep breath. "Kaito, son, forget everything I've ever said about who I wanted you to marry. If you love Kasumi, marry her. If you love someone else, marry them. Forget what I say, what the advisors say, and what the kingdom says, and live your life with the woman you love."

My brother looks ready to cry, and my father already has tears spilling down his face, but he continues. "Love her, marry her, grow old with her. And give me some wonderful grandchildren." Kai nods, tears forming in his eyes. Father sighs in relief, and closes his eyes. "Thank you. I can die peacefully now. Kaito...Ichiro..."

The two princes of Hikari collapse in grief as their father, the once powerful King Masaki, breathes his last.

Oh my gosh, the feels, the FEELS!!! I really hated writing this chapter, but it needed to be done. In the next chapter, you will see why this story is tagged with Yona of the Dawn.

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