Chapter Sixteen

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Above picture is one of my favorite mini cartoons from Yona of the dawn.



I lie awake in the tent, next to Yona, who is in a deep sleep. I think back to what my brother and his friends told me earlier


"So, where are you guys going, anyway?"

"We're heading off to see Ik-soo, the priest. We have some questions to ask him."


I rub my eyes, unable to fall asleep. I sit up, and decide that some fresh air might do me good. I quietly step out of the tent to see Hak & Jae-ha, who were supposed to be on guard duty, fast asleep. Idiots. What, are THEY becoming Kasumi now?

I sit down against one of the trees and stare up at the bright moon, large and imposing in the clear night sky. I sigh, lean my head back, and close my eyes, listening to the wind.


"A new child has been born, with the eyes of the Seiryuu (Blue Dragon)."

"What of the mother?"

"...she killed herself."

"Quickly, put on the mask, before his powers awaken."

***Four years later***


"AAHHHHH!!! It's the monster! RUN!!!!"

"SEIRYUU! I've told you not to go outside so much!!"

"But, Ao...I want...friend..."



"I'm sorry, for leaving you all alone...I'm sorry."

"No, Ao...please speak to me...say anything...Ao..."

***Eight years later***

"I'm sorry...I can't stay here anymore."



My eyes shoot open, my face beaded with sweat. Ao is asleep next to me, nestled in the fur I always wear. I almost don't spot the tiny white fox next to him. Where did he come from...?

I wipe the sweat of my forehead, and cover my eyes with my hands, my mask lying forgotten a few feet away.

I'm a monster, but she said she's one too...when will I see her again?

I sense someone outside, and go out to look, forgetting my mask. I spot a girl sleeping against a tree, but she senses me in a second and opens her eyes.

I see familiar silver pools, and my breath catches in my throat.


She stares at me for a second, then smiles thinly. "Good to see your eyes again, Seiryuu." Her voice throws me back into the past once more. This time, into a place with rare happy memories.

***Six years ago***

I rest against one of the cave walls after practicing my sword fighting technique. I sigh, the crushing loneliness of these dark hallways weighing on my mind. The villagers are all further towards the entrance of the mountain, while I'm confined to a few secret, hidden corridors.

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