Chapter Twenty-two

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We both stare at each other for a few seconds, disbelief on our faces.

Don't get me wrong, I know that Soo-won knows about this place. I know he goes by Won here, the same way I go by Kira. Heck, he's the one who made me travel here the first time, about four years ago. Long story, fun day, moving on.

Ogi has been crouching underneath our staring contest, looking back and forth at us, until clearing his throat awkwardly and sitting back down at his table. "Well, Won. Good to see you, was just catching up with Kira here. You know...not expecting this weird stare-off..." A bunch of his lackeys nodded vigorously behind him, breaking us from our 'stare-off' and Soo-won gives a sort of embarrassed, innocent smile, chuckling uneasily. "Heh, right. It's been a while, Kira, h-how are you?"

I shrug. "As well as I can be, considering this old man just shut me out in favor of you. You, of all people. God, age really messes up judgement."

"QUIT CALLING ME OLD!" I sidestep to avoid a poorly thrown sake cup, and turn back to the king. "Actually, you're just the person I needed to talk to. Great timing, as always." He smiles at me. "Thank y-"

"I meant me, not you."

"Oh. Whoops."

"If you have urgent business with Ogi, I get it, but if you just came for a visit, then I'd appreciate it if we talked now."

Soo-won goes silent for a moment, then slowly nods. "Sure. I'm guessing we should speak elsewhere?"

"You know me so well." I turn to Ogi. "Bye old man. Nice seeing you again." He just rolls his eyes. "Just get outta here."

I shrug, and Soo-won and I walk out, towards Hiryuu Palace.


As we walk quietly through the streets of Kuuto, our hoods pulled up, Soo-won asks suddenly, "Do you want to kill me?" I turn to him and see that the carefree grin he wore back at Ogi's has been long replaced by a brooding expression.

I stay silent for a moment, and then answer quietly, "No. I see no reason to." He looks at me in surprise. "But I know you know about...the others," he says, faltering at Yona's name.

"Oh, I definitely know about them. I understand their feelings, I even share in a bit of their anger," I confess. "But this is the thing. My view isn't blurred by a righteous fury, which allows me to see clearly from both sides, not commit myself to one. I know that you did what your instinct told you was best for everyone. I can respect that."

Soo-won doesn't say anything, so I ask, "Should I elaborate?" He shakes his head. "Not here. At the palace, when we aren't surrounded by people." I nod, and we continue walking.


I push away the small cup of tea that a servant had placed on the table in front of me. Soo-won sips his own, and glances at the door of his room.

I suggested it for privacy, but it took a lot of persuasion. The guy is quite a prude. I wish a certain someone was more like him.

"So, which should I start with? The elaboration or the request?" The king looks away from the door to me, and answers in an extremely quiet voice, "Elaboration would be good."

I nod, and start talking. "Well, I've only met you a couple times before, and you didn't strike me as that sort of person. King Il didn't make a good impression on me, and neither did the princess. My brother seemed to have grown soft as well, honestly. Although I can probably guess why.

"As for the other two, well. A cowardly, foolish king who believed in an impossible dream, and slowly led his country to ruin. A naïve young girl who blindly believed what her father told her was happening in her kingdom. She didn't try to learn about her own home and remained stubbornly ignorant of Kouka's affairs, placing only herself, her father and one other person in places of importance." I stopped for a second a gave Soo-won a pointed look.

"Well, I knew what would happen to the king. Someone would aim for him, what with his terrible ruling. I couldn't believe what happened to the princess, though, how she changed. I think that she is more impressive than other warriors I know. I admire what she is doing currently. I know what goes through my brother's mind, and I know what you did. But I would consider myself neutral in this fight. I'm not against either of you, and I have my own battle to fight."

"But I assumed you would side with your brother. Why not stay and fight with him?" Soo-won asks confusedly.

"I am not my brother. By that I mean, I don't let myself make extremely good friends, close friends. I might become friends, I might make acquaintances. But I don't open up too much. I don't tie myself down with relationships. I won't die for anyone, nor will I fight. In some ways, I guess that makes me strong. But it also makes me weak, in many areas."

A few faces float through my head.

"Yeah, many areas..."

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