Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Mmmkay so before we start, I saw this thing on Pinterest with one of my favorite ships of all time, Solangelo, and I decided to modify it to fit my story. It's with Akirai, because that ship makes most sense. Enjoy!

*Kai is reading on the couch*

Child: Daddy, can we go to Disneyland?

Kai: No sweetie, I'm sorry.

Child: Please, Daddy?

Kai: Sweetie, no.

Akira: *whispers in Kai's ear* Please, Daddy?

Kai: ...

*throws book*


Yeah, if Akira did that to Jaeha, he'd probably just push her down then and there, and Shin-ha would be so confused and innocent, the little smol bean.



She had gone out to find her brother and some flowers.

Her parents were having a bad day today. Akira wanted to give them the prettiest bouquet possible. Her brother, Shin'ichi, was out hunting for things to trade at the market. Aki's mom had forgotten to give him his lunch, so she tasked her daughter with the trip. Ordinarily, no mother would let her five year old into the woods on her own, but then again, Aki was no ordinary five year old.

Since she was out, Aki decided that now would be the perfect time to find the flowers. She skipped along the hunting trail, humming to herself and plucking wildflowers every few steps.

She came upon a small clearing, where Shin'ichi was rummaging through his pack, muttering to himself. "Could've sworn I put it in here..."

"Shin! I brought food!" Aki yelled excitedly, causing her brother to whirl around. He smiled when he saw the packed lunch in his little sister's hand. "Thanks, Aki."

Once she neared him, he ruffled her long hair and glanced at the flowers in her palm. "What are those for?"

"Mom and Dad are having a bad day today, so I picked these to make them happy!" She proudly held up the flowers, making her brother smile. "That's nice. I'm sure they'll feel a lot better."

They both sat against a nearby tree, sharing lunch. Shin showed her a blue jay's feather that he had found, which Aki promptly tied at the end of a small side braid in her hair. It lightly brushed her chin every time she moved her head, causing her to laugh.

For a while, the siblings sat contently. Eventually, Shin'ichi picked up the deer he had killed and the two headed back to the house.

Once they arrived, Aki stood before the door. "You go first, I want to arrange the flowers again." Her brother smiled and nodded. "Alright. Don't worry, I won't tell." With that he headed inside.

Akira spent a few minutes rearranging and fluffing up the petals of the flowers. Once she was satisfied, she went to open the door, but stopped when she heard voices.

"Don't say that! It isn't like this is her fault, you know!"

Akira paused, confused. "Shin?" she murmured, placing her ear against the door.

"I don't care! Do you think I don't hear them? All the townspeople, whispering behind our backs? They say that your mother is disloyal, that I stole the baby, that the Devil himself is the girl's father! Well, I don't care anymore," her father ranted angrily. "She should just leave! Why couldn't she have looked like the other children? Or better yet, why did she have to be born?! Monster!"

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