Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I tap my fingers against the edge of my desk nervously. The generals are supposed to arrive within the hour, but I cannot find it in me to be optimistic.

The odds are stacked against us... Akihiro has an extremely large army, especially with Yan's support...

A knock at the door interrupts my thoughts, and Prince Ichiro peeks his head in. "May I speak with you?"

"Of course, Your Highness."

He steps in and shuts the door, then looks up at me. "So...why exactly are you helping us?"

I blink. "Sorry?"

"I mean, you're the youngest general in the kingdom, supporting Akihiro would probably have less risks than opposing him...what's your motive?"

I sigh and think for a moment. "Well, your father was a great leader. He juxtaposed strength with care for his people, but I do not believe that Akihiro has those qualities. As a born warrior, he prefers battle over peaceful solutions, which, though not always unreasonable, is not best for the kingdom. He sees expansion for Hikari; I see ruination for the other kingdoms."

The prince is silent at first, then speaks. "You father would always ask my brother and I what we would do in certain situations. The trade agreements with Kioku, the border skirmishes with Kouka...there were times when Kai and I disagreed, but my father always managed to find an in-between. It's...a lot to live up to." Then he gives me a glance. "Though I'm sure you're no stranger to that feeling."

I nod. My mothers, General Takara Kita and Yui Kita had been known for their great leadership. Growing up, I had always been compared to them. Even now, I hear servants whispering of what they would have done in my place.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you. The generals are to arrive soon, right?"

"Yes. I have called them here under the utmost secrecy. We shall see what side they will take."

He nods, and goes to leave. Then he turns back momentarily, as though to say something, then closes his mouth and leaves.


I wonder...what will become of me when this is all over?

Before, I had always assumed that when Kai was crowned, he would have me become and advisor. But now, I've met Yamato, who has both strength and cleverness. Tadashi is considered to be the greatest general the Ōkami Clan has ever had, maybe even the whole kingdom...

They are both much more impressive than me. So what can I bring to the table?


A voice sounds from a room I'm passing, and I turn to see Kasumi standing there. "Oh. Hey."

"Hey. Um...have the generals arrived yet?"

"No, but they should be here soon." I notice the nervous look on her face. "Is everything alright?"

What are you saying, idiot. Of course nothing's alright, you're about to try to overthrow her freaking father.

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