Character Q and A

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Me: Alrighty, time to see what questions my readers have for me!

*finds ten questions, all from the same reader*

Me: ...wHAT THE F-

Thank you so much for your questions, electricc! You rock!

As for everyone else, Ren is disappointed in you.

I'm kidding he still loves you and so do I :)

Onward to the QnA!

1. What things make Akira laugh uncontrollably? - electricc

When anything happens that makes Kai look like a dumbass, she can never hold back. Ichiro can make her laugh a little with his jokes, but if her lover does something stupid? She won't stop laughing for hours...

...then when you think it's done, she'll start right back up again.

Akira: One time, he accidentally elbowed Ichiro in the head when we were back at the palace. I guess he couldn't decide between saying "Are you okay" or "I'm sorry" so he yelled "ARE YOU SORRY?!"

Kai: It took Ichiro an hour to get up and Akira couldn't stop laughing for days -_- .

2. What makes her cringe?

Seeing people flirt, as well as EXTREMELY lovey-dovey couples. Seeing Kasumi attempt to flirt with Kai for the past years has given her an overall negative outlook, but she finds embarrassed, blushing flirting a tad endearing. When someone like Jae-ha starts dropping pickup lines, however, she cringes so hard that her shoulders stay hunched for a long while.

Akira: On Valentine's Day, catch me buying out all the chocolate in all the stores JUST so nobody can give their loved one some. I'm petty that way.

Kai: You won't spend it with me?

Akira: Well who do you think is gonna help me eat the chocolate?

Kai: Marry me.

3. What are her greatest fears?

Losing the people she loves, mainly through emotion rather than death. After suffering through her parents selling her, her brother going insane, leaving Hak in Fuuga, and being forced to leave Shin-ha in the tunnels, her phobia of being alone has strengthened greatly. As mentioned in her backstory with Tadashi, she mistreated him due to her fear of him leaving her. Right now, the person she doesn't want to leave the most is Kai. If he ever starts to hate her and abandons her, she'd shut down and sink into depression, as it would confirm her thoughts that she could never be loved by anyone. This fear is so strong that it could even cause her to become suicidal.

Akira: Death doesn't scare me that much. That doesn't mean I WANT to die, nor do I want any of my loved ones to die, but it's inevitable, and I think that it provides a bit of closure, especially that thought that you might see that person again in the afterlife. That's not always a guarantee when a person leaves you for some other reason, and to me, that's terrifying.

4. Pet peeves of hers?

People who hum or make unnecessary noises, especially chewing or breathing with your mouth open. Honestly, noise in general ticks her off, so if someone around her has a nervous tic like tapping their fingers or jogging their legs, they better tone it down REAL quick or she'll go insane.

Akira: Just to be clear, if you're humming while reading this QnA, I hear you...and I'll find you.

5. Hardest thing she's ever had to do?

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