Chapter Nine

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I pull the sleeping beauty into my arms and lean against a tree, covering her with my cloak. "You take watch, big bro, I'm going to sleep." I lean my head onto Aki's hair and flash my brother a look. I'm not letting you have her.

I shut my eyes and fall asleep to the wind rustling the trees and the scent of cinnamon.

*timeskip brought to you by Eclipse's postal service*

Still Ichiro's POV

I open my eyes as the sunlight streams through the tree branches. Akira is still sleeping, so I lay her down on the grass and glance around for my brother. He's nodding off against a tree, and Kasumi hasn't moved, so I'm the only one awake.

I climb all the way to the highest branch of the tree and sit there, staring at the clouds floating by. So much has changed in the past hours. Akira was badly injured by my own brother, our father passed away, we were almost killed by the man whom we considered family, and forced to abandon the only home we knew.

I close my eyes as the breeze ruffles my hair, wondering what General Akihiro was going to do when he was told that we were missing.


"Sir, we've searched around the palace for the two princes and the girl, but there's no sign of them or your daughter."

I look out over the palace walls, to the surrounding city of Miru, as if trying to spot the four from afar. I can't believe they were foolish enough to take my daughter when they ran. I can't believe that she didn't even fight.

"Sir, shall we extend the radius to search for them?" Commander Maya asks me. I shake my head. "No, leave them be. The princes and Akira aren't stupid, they know that they'll only draw attention to themselves if they start going around accusing me of murder. They will keep my daughter alive, as well. They aren't cruel enough to simply kill her. I want to see her as soon as possible, but I don't want to risk her being treated as a hostage. For now, if anyone asks, say that Lady Akira kidnapped my daughter and the princes have left the kingdom in my care for now."

Commander Maya nods and walks away. I shut my eyes for a little, slightly unsure of myself.

Uncle! Uncle! Look, Father taught us how to play shogi! (Japanese chess) Will you play with us?

I sigh as I recall the faces of those young boys. The boys who I considered my sons. Now they hate me, and I have no right to try and make peace with them.

But I no longer have my best friend, or those two young men who I was so proud of. So I have no hesitations anymore.


I shake Kasumi's shoulders, determined for her to wake up. Finally, her eyes open and she runs her hand through her messy bedhead.

Everyone is awake now, so we need to start moving. But, before that...

"You really need to take a bath," I say, wrinkling my nose. "You smell like you spent the night in a mudhole." Kai groans, but finally, he agrees. Kasumi, Ichiro and I head off into the woods to give him his privacy. Ichiro walks deeper into the woods to keep a lookout for any people.

I mindlessly sharpen my Quandao with a stone while Kasumi draws random things in the dirt with a stick. Neither one of us speaks until Kasumi whispers, "How many people have you killed, Akira?"

I continue to run the stone across my blade. "I've lost count," I say, not remotely bothered. "You-you lost count?!" she jumps up, clearly shocked. "Yeah, why?"

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