Chapter Twenty

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We reach Kuuto in a few hours time, including breaks for food and rest. Jaeha drops me off on the outskirts of the city, where Eclipse joins us.

"You sure you'll be fine on your own?" He asks me worriedly, to which I just sigh in exasperation. "For the tenth time, Jaeha, I will be okay. Eclipse will be flying above to check for danger, and I'm going to keep a low profile." The doubtful look on the green dragon warrior's face doesn't erase itself, so I muster up what I hope looks like a soothing smile. "Relax, it's not as if I'm going to shout from the rooftops, 'HELLO!! HERE I AM, ABOUT TO BREAK INTO YOUR PRECIOUS CASTLE!! SUCKS FOR YOU, HAHAHA!!!'"

Jaeha's mouth turns up at the corners and he finally stops fussing. Almost. "So you will send Eclipse when you want me to pick you up?" I groan, reaching the end of the proverbial rope. "Yes father, I will also make sure that I don't get a HRUI (horseback riding under the influence) or a CUI (charioteering under the influence), I won't break my 11 o' clock curfew, and I won't go into any inns or taverns on my own. GO!! SHOO, VAMOOSE!!! LEAVE BEFORE I ENSURE THAT YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SMILE AGAIN DUE TO HORRIFIC MEMORIES CRUSHING YOUR HEART AND YOUR MIND."

Jaeha laughs, waves, and jumps into the sky. I watch him go, then send Eclipse into the air and pull my hood over my head. I tug my sleeve down to cover the dragon on my arm, my blue streaked hair has been pulled back into my hood, and my Hsu Quandao is wrapped in cloth to hide the sharp edge. I'll need intel if I want to get into the castle.

"Time to visit Mr. Ogi."

???'s POV (the phoenix guy) pictured above, imagine red streaks in his hair

I've been walking for days and it doesn't seem like that gold light is getting any closer!! I'M. SO. BORED.

I yawn as I trudge through the forest, ruffling my blonde hair, making it look interestingly windswept and even better than usual, which is hard to achieve.

So far, I've only met a few travelers on the road, most of them old men & merchants, but I haven't encountered that strange light. I think that it's getting closer, but I can't tell. Okay, one more day, and if I don't find anyone, I'm going back home!

I sit down for a second and lean against a medium sized boulder that's set against a wall of vegetation. However, as I push it slightly to confirm whether it's stable or not, the rock gives way and I fall forward into what looks like a camp.

A tall black haired guy leaps up from where he is sitting under a tree and and sticks a sword to my throat, a young girl with brown hair standing behind him. "Who are you, and why are you here?!?" the man asks, while the girl simply looks at me in confusion. "Why is your hair two colors? Is this a thing now? I should dye my hair too..."

I stare up at the two of them for five seconds before slowly standing up, making sure not to alarm them with any sudden movements. "You know, there is actually a really strange explanation for that! And since I don't think you'd believe me, I'm just gonna go over there...and ponder on my life choices..."

Just as I was about to run to my home and pretend this never happened, someone calls out from one of the tents. "Yamato, who's out there? Can you actually do your job and keep people away? For once, you could be useful."

I turn to see a guy about my age walking out of the tent, a sour expression on his face. As soon as my eyes meet his, our eyes both widen and I double over in sudden pain.

You are the chosen one.

Who is speaking?!

You must guide the Summer Dragon, and never betray him.

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