Chapter Forty-Nine

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My eyes flutter open, the steady knocking at the door pulling me out of my uneasy sleep. I groan, glancing at the moon that sits high in clouds. I stumble out of bed and yank the door open. "Who-"

I blink as Kai meets my eyes. "What are you doing here? It's the middle of the night." My hand twitches the longer I look at him, Yuki urging me to push my thumbs against his windpipe, and I focus my attention on the wall behind him.

"Can I speak with you?"

I grimace at the thought of being in a room alone with him. "Kai, I don't think-"

"Please," he begs, and I pause at the desperation in his tone. "...Fine." I shift to the side and let him in.

I shut the door and turn to face him, and I notice the dark circles under his eyes. "Kai, we only have a few more days. You should be getting sleep."

He sits on my bed and pats the blanket next to him. I sit, slightly confused. "What is it?"

Kai gently cups the back of my neck, and I furrow my brow. "What-"

He pulls me in and kisses me hard, and a muffled yelp escapes my lips. The side of me that's been missing him, worrying about him, pushes me to wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer.

For a few moments, I'm in pure bliss, and he pushes me down against the bed, one hand on my waist and the other cupping my cheek. He pulls back for a moment, and I gasp. "Kai, what are you doing?"

My arms tighten around his neck, and fear shoots through me as I remember what happened the last time I touched him. "We shouldn't-"

He presses his lips back against mine again, his tongue brushing against my bottom lip, and I moan softly, my worries starting to fade. I bite his lip and he grunts, before pulling away again. "Akira."

"What?" My voice is breathless, and he stares down at me, breathing heavily, before he brushes his thumb over my cheek. "I'm going to marry you."

I blink, and then smile softly. "I know."

He kisses my neck and briefly scrapes his teeth against my collarbone before looking back up at me. "Tonight."

At this, my smile fades. "What?"

"Let's get married. Right now." Kai rests his head in the curve of my neck. "There's going to be a war in a few days. I want to be able to say I was yours."

If I die?

I hug him against me, not as on the fence as I thought I would be. "We won't be able to have a wedding night," I remind him, pushing down the bloodlust Yuki arouses in me.

"I know." He pushes himself up on his forearms. "I don't have a ring."

"I don't have a dress."

"Or wine."

"Or a big bed."

"Or a fancy celebration," he finishes. He meets my eyes again, and I'm taken aback by the pure affection in his eyes. "So will you?"

I smile, barely thinking about it. "Of course."


We sneak out of the manor and find a local official who is still awake. It's over in only a few moments. Kai pays the fee and the man hands us the signed paper. "Congratulations," he says, his mustache twitching, and we smile back at him. "Thank you so much."

We hurry out of his office, and Kai chuckles while slipping his hand around my waist. "I wonder if he knows he just married the future king and queen?"

"Probably not," I snicker. "It's two in the morning and he probably wasn't looking too closely at our signatures." I peck his cheek. "It's not like your name is particularly uncommon, anyway."

He nods and unfolds the document. The gold seal glitters on it, next to where we signed our names. "As long as he can confirm it was us who signed it," he says, hugging me closer. "It's official."

Kai lifts me in his arms and kisses me deeply. I laugh against him and run my fingers through his hair. "Should I call you 'husband' now?"

"You can call me whatever you like," he promises, and kisses me again. We stand in the middle of the streets, absorbed in each other for a moment, before the lights of a tavern catch my attention. "We can still celebrate, you know."

He looks over at the building before smirking and nuzzling his nose against my nape. "You know you can't drink." He kisses my skin before biting my throat gently. "Besides, we can't stay out too long."

I frown. "This hasn't been a very fun wedding, husband."

"I know, but it doesn't matter." He picks me up again with a mischievous grin. "You're stuck with me now."

As Kai walks back to the manor, he occupies himself with kissing my neck and ear, and I squirm in his hold. "You're going to run into something," I chide, gently angling his chin away. "We can save all that for later."

He pouts. "Now who's not making this a fun wedding?"

I roll my eyes and lean against his shoulder. We walk in silence for a few moments. Kai whispers something. "I promise that if we live, I'll make sure to plan the best wedding for you."

"There'll be the small matter of getting the kingdom in order first."

"After all that." We make it to the wall, and although he doesn't need to, he lifts me by the waist and helps me over. For a minute, he stares into my eyes. "I promise, Akira. I'll make you the happiest woman in the world."

I lean down and kiss him again. "I know."

He climbs over and embraces me. "I don't feel like going back to my room," he mumbles into my shoulder, and I smile softly. "I didn't know I had such a clingy husband."



I yawn as I walk to Akira's room. "Akira? Do you want to join me for breakfast?"

There's no answer.

"Hello?" I knock one more time, and still silence answers me. I cautiously open the door, and find the bed made, and empty. "Huh..."


I turn around to see the warrior standing in the hall, an eyebrow raised. "Oh, you're already up!" I shut her door and turn to face her. "Sorry, I was just wondering if you wanted to have breakfast with me?"

"Oh, I already ate. I'll have tea, though."

We both walk back to my room, when I notice a piece of paper sticking out of her robe. "What's that?"

"Hmm?" She pulls it out and glances at it, before tucking it into her pocket. "Just a few strategies to go over. I'll have to go put this somewhere safe. Give me a minute."

She goes back to her room, and I wait patiently.

"Kasumi, good morning."

Kai taps me on the shoulder, and I smile at him. "Good morning." I frown slightly and pluck a piece of grass off his robes. "What have you been doing?"

"Oh, I was just sitting outside for a while. I'll have to go change." He waves goodbye, and I grab his sleeve before he leaves. "What?"

I squint at his face. "You seem a little better than you have been these past few days," I point out, noticing how the bags under his eyes have faded somewhat, his pallor no longer so noticeable.

He gives me a weak smile. "I guess I've just been thinking about enjoying the days we have left."


Last filler chapter before we reach the actual fighting. I'm sorry, I know some of this stuff is a little boring! But it sets up things to come, I promise.

See you soon!

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