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Hey guys! Sorry, the new chapter will come in a few days, but I have an announcement!

I have created an account on ArchiveOfOurOwn under the same name (queeny407) and will also be uploading my books there!

BUT DON'T WORRY! I am NOT abandoning Wattpad, I just want to expand to some more platforms!

Everything should be complete on the site over the weekend, so please look me up there as well!


After this book is finished (we're in the final third!) I will be starting a new YOTD fanfic titled "Not Everything" which will be an OC x Hak! (Sorry to all you Yona x Hak fans, but I want to see what I can do!)

I know, I know, I have announced new books in the past that ended up either not uploading or stopping, but this one will actually be written!

I hope you check that out once this story is done!

Thanks so much! See you in a few days with the next chapter!

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