The Dress

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Hey!! I'm having trouble with this next chapter, but I don't want you guys to have nothing, so here's a little non-canon scenario for you! It's inspired by a scene from a Webtoon I once read. It takes place as if the whole overthrowing thing never happened and Kai became the king without any problems.

Sorry about two non chapters in a row, but enjoy!


Kai yawned and settled back on the couch in his and Akira's palace chamber. His day's work was done, and he was looking forward to dinner and sleep.

He wasn't sure which he wanted more of, though.

"Kai?" The young king looked up to see Akira peeking out from behind the changing curtain. "I have this new dress I want you to see."

"Since when did you care about dresses?" Kai asked, raising an eyebrow. His lover rolled her eyes. "Would you just tell me what you think?"

"Yeah, sure." He settled back and crossed his arms. "This is gonna be hilarious."


"You in a dress? You'll be so clumsy and uncomfortable I won't be able to stop laughing."

"I'll strangle you."

"Ooh, kinky."

Irritated, Akira withdrew behind the curtain. "Can you get your mind out of the gutter just for one minute?"

"Okay, but you're asking me to change myself for you and it's not appreciated."

Akira stepped out from behind the curtain. "Sorry for inconveniencing you, my king."

Kai had, in truth, attempted to be serious for this moment. He wanted to give her a good opinion.

But instead she had taken his mind and slammed it right back into the gutter he had just pulled it out of.

Akira was wearing a plum colored dress, the straps thin and the neck very low. The sides were open - completely open! - and a thick, braided gold belt wrapped around her waist. A gold armband encircled her left arm, and when she stepped forward, a long expanse of leg showed.

Holy shit.

"You bought that dress?"

"No, it was a gift from a woman in town. She said that it would look nice on me." Akira twirled around (twirled!) making Kai blink over and over. "How does it look?"

"Let me see..."

Once she was only a few inches away, Kai grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his lap. "Whoa-!"

"You look gorgeous." He kissed her cheek gently. Akira looked at him happily. "Really?"

"'Mmhm. You should wear this more often." Kai leaned forward to kiss her neck.

"Good, I wanted an opinion before I wore it to Kita's wedding."

This made Kai stop short. "You want to do what now."

"Don't you remember? He's getting married to Lady Hinata, and I thought I would wear this for the occasion."


Akira looked up at him, confused. "No?"

"Don't wear this to the wedding."

"But you said I look gorgeous..."

Kai grimaced, unsure of how to explain. "You do, but this is a really showy dress...are you sure you don't have something else to wear?"

Akira leveled a cutting look at her lover. "Are you implying that I chose this to get other people's attention?" She pushed away from him and stood up, clearly upset.

"No, hold on." The young king took her wrist and pulled her into an embrace, resting his forehead against her midriff. "Look...there are just a ton of perverts in the nobility, okay? And I want some of your body to be for my eyes only."

Akira crossed her arms. "Well, since I'm not obliged to listen to you, what would you do if I did wear this?"

Kai mumbled darkly against her. "If anyone looks at you for more than two seconds, I'll imprison them for life and have them tortured every other hour."

The warrior grimaced. "Kai, that's...extreme overkill."

"I'm the king; it's only overkill if I say it is." He looked up at the girl he loved and pressed a kiss on the inside of her wrist. "Now change so that we can go eat dinner."

Akira sighed. "Alright. I was getting hungry anyway."

Suddenly, the door flew open, and Ichiro called to the two. "Hey, you lazy lovebirds, dinner's ready-"


Akira stared at Kai, who had rushed over and kicked the door shut in his brother's face. "Y-You really weren't kidding when you said only you wanted to see me like this..."

"I don't 'kid' when it comes to you, Aki." He strode over and kissed her deeply, surprising her.

"Mm-! Don't just do that!"

"But you do that all the time."

A pounding came at the door, Ichiro's angry voice ringing. "What the hell, Kai! You nearly broke my nose with this door!"


"Your bloodline is going to die off real quick if you don't let me change and get food!"


The next chapter will come soon!

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