Chapter Eight

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Picture above is of Kasumi when she was 14. Enjoy, and remember to comment!

I do not own the characters in the third person pov. They are from Yona of the Dawn and are owned by Mizuho Kusanagi.

Third Person POV

In the kingdom of Kohka, seven travelers make camp in the woods, careful not to attract any unwanted attention. Suddenly, the bubbly blonde boy points up to the sky. "Zeno sees something in the air!" Everyone looks up to spy a dark brown hawk gliding steadily towards them. The red haired girl draws an arrow, but the tall, black haired man stops her. 

"Wait, Hime-sama," he says, watching the hawk. (Hime-sama means Princess) It lands on his shoulder and lets out a small screech. Holding out its right foot, everyone can see that it has a letter attached to it. "What's with the hawk, Hak?" (Just realized how weird that sounds) the man with silver hair and a white claw asks. "It's my sister's hawk Eclipse,  Shiro-hebi," Hak replies. (Shiro hebi means white snake) The silver haired man grits his teeth in frustration. "Again with the nickname...don't call the sacred dragon a white snake!" Hak ignores him, whistling as he unfurls the scroll and feeds Eclipse a small morsel of meat.

"Thunder Beast, you never told us you had a sister!" the apricot color haired pretty boy exclaims angrily. "I'm sorry, Mother. Please don't deprive me of my food." The pretty boy smacks his head. "I'M NOT YOUR MOTHER!! I'M YUN!!! IF I WAS YOUR MOTHER, WHY WERE YOU BORN THIS UGLY?!?!?!?!" Rubbing his head, Hak reads the letter by moonlight.

Dear Nii-san,

How are you? How are the others? I'm sorry, I forgot their names, but then again, I doubt it matters. How is the situation in Kohka Kingdom? Anything important happen? Something important happened here.

His Majesty King Masaki has passed away due to the unknown illness he has suffered from in the past year. I would prefer that you didn't disclose this information to anyone. I don't want the princes to catch wind of the fact that I have an older brother. You know how they are.

And before you ask, NO, no one at the palace has made any moves on me of the late, so there's no reason for you to come and kick anyone's butt. What about you? Have you confessed your feelings to HER yet? Don't deny it, I know you have them, and it would be stupid to wait for too long.

Moving past that, I have some news. Prince Kaito recently beat me in a battle. But something was wrong with him. He was acting violet and infuriated, as if I was his mortal enemy. His eyes were crazed, but just before that, his expression was blank and his eyes were dull. Do you know anything about this? Is there some sort of disease or mental illness that can cause a normally rational person to act like this? Even a drug or alcohol?

If you find anything out, let me know. Say hello to the others for me, and try not to make the sketch you send this time TOO horrible, or I'll start thinking that my big brother is some weird monstrous THING. I love you.



Hak frowns in thought for a few reasons. One, why was his sister telling him to confess to the girl he likes? Two, should he tell her about the group's current situation? The last time they contacted each other was when Su-Won was still in their good graces.

The green haired man peeks over his shoulder. He spies the sketch of Hak's sister and grins creepily. "My, you have an attractive sibling, Hak. How old is she?"


He's immediately smacked on the head by Hak's spear. "Don't you dare start eyeing my sister, Droopy Eyes." Jae-Ha, also known as Droopy Eyes, once again looks at the letter and smiles. "So even she's telling you to hurry and confess to Yona de-WHOA!!" Jae-Ha flies into a tree after getting punched in the gut by the Thunder Beast.

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