Jaera Chapter

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Please read A/N at the end.

So, @-wriiter requested some Jaera, but as the plot wasn't specified, I chose to write a selection of random Jaera moments that range from when Akira first joined the group to when she went to Kuuto. The first half is more of some failed moments, but don't worry! It gets cute!


I shook off the failed attempt at kissing Akira's hand as she asked, "So, you're the flirtatious one, then?" I nodded, but plastered on my signature grin. "Why?"

I expected her to smile back, or blush, or swoon, or do what all those other girls did when I smiled at them, but instead-

"Nothing, I just hate people like you," she deadpanned, causing me to gasp and go cry in a corner, lamenting at my failure.

How could it not work?! IT ALWAYS WORKS!!!

I paused, taking deep breaths, and turned to see Akira speaking with Yona.

This one's going to be a challenge.


"AKIIIIIRRRRAAAA!!! LOOK WHAT I CAUGHT!!" I yelled happily, jumping as high as I possibly could towards our campsite.

It had been a fairly boring day, and everyone was just lying around doing nothing, including the Challenge. I took advantage of this to go out hunting, in order to find the most impressive kill to finally garner a smile from the afore-mentioned Challenge.

I landed spectacularly in front of where she rested, causing her to turn her head to me slightly. She looked at the animal slung over my shoulder. "That's a bear."

"Uh-huh! Pretty impressive, huh?" I grinned excitedly. She stared at me, then turned away again. "Eh. It's okay."

"Okay? Just OKAY? It's a bear! When Yona caught a bear, you praised her!"

"Yeah, but she isn't as experienced as you. When she did it, it was cool. And besides-" she added, turning towards me, her head resting on her hand, her elbow propped against the ground. "I once wrestled a crocodile to death with my bare hands. You should try harder." She stood up and headed over to Shin-ah, sitting down next to him.

I clenched my fist, and slammed the bear down in front of Yoon so loudly that he jumped and broke three clay bowls. Ignoring his berating, I flopped down to the ground.

Next time, next time!


"OI! Droopy-Eyes! Snap out of it!"

As I relived that one, glorious moment with the Challenge in Kija's village, I was suddenly shoved in the shoulder by the Challenge herself. "You were spacing out again, idiot. Pay attention."

I sighed, starting to get annoyed with her. "Why? It's not like you were talking to me."

"Actually, I was."

I perked up for a moment, hope glowing in my eyes. "Really?" She nodded. "Yep. I was asking if you could help me with the night watch shift. Shin-ah's practically dead on his feet, so I want him to rest."

At first, I was pleased that she wanted me to  help her, but then what she said next registered.

Oh. She just wants to help Shin-ah.

Disappointed, I nodded listlessly, and Akira lit up. "Thanks!" She wrapped her arms around me for a few seconds, but I didn't feel much joy.

"Sure. Glad to help."

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