Chapter Two

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I'm just finishing getting ready for the day when I hear a rapid knocking at my door. I open it to see...



Oh, it's her sixteenth birthday, isn't it. I give a respectful bow. "Kon'nichiwa (hello) Lady Kasumi. A very happy birthday to you." A large smile spreads across her flushed face. "Arigato! And arigato in advance for your gift!" At this, my face pales. "Gift? What do you mean by gift?" Kasumi giggles. "Oh, you don't have to pretend, Akira already told me everything!"

Did she say Akira told her everything?! I can already tell that I'm in trouble.

"Really?" I ask through gritted teeth. "And, uh, WHAT exactly did she tell you?" Kasumi blushes as she looks down at the floor. "She said that you were going to take me horseback riding. And," her voice lowers to a whisper. "that you were going to hold me extra tight."




Does Akira want to have her head sliced off? Because I'd be more than happy to oblige.

I internally groan. Having to humor Kasumi on her birthday is never fun, but now it is going to be unbearable. Why does this happen to me? Did I do something so horrible in my previous life to earn such a cruel punishment in this life?

Before I can react, Kasumi grabs my hand and starts dragging me to the yard. "Come on! I want to go horseback riding now!" What the-? How is this girl even competing with my strength?! I'm the second most powerful warrior in this entire dang country! But, of course, I have to be second to someone. And that someone is Akira. Also known as a piece of #%%&*$!!

Once we reach the courtyard, I march into the stables. I grab a light brown horse named Cedar and bring him outside, where Kasumi is waiting. Barely able to conceal an exasperated eye roll, I hold out my hand to her. She takes my hand eagerly and I hoist her up to sit in front of me with ease. I guide Cedar at a steady walk around the grounds, although I'm VERY tempted to see if Kasumi would fly off the horse if I make him go at a full-speed run.

"So, um, your father said that I could have a birthday feast at the castle today. Y-you will come right?"I guess I can't refuse. I don't have a feasible excuse. "Of course, Lady Kasumi, I wouldn't miss it for anything." Other than a chance to beat Akira up for getting me in this mess.

Kasumi's features glow with excitement. "Thank you! You see, I think that the theme should be..." I barely listen to her boring talk about the feast. I can't wait to leave. My father insists that I get married to this girl. Nothing would make him happier, he says, than the union of his eldest son and best friend's daughter. Don't get me wrong, I love my father, but what he asks for would never work. Kasumi isn't the right girl. She's too self-centered, too trusting, and she doesn't share any of my interests. She would never be able to offer any valuable input as queen. Heck, she might even try to make the soldiers all wear bright pink in order for them to "look pretty."

I catch a sudden whiff of cinnamon that jolts me from my thoughts, and before I know it, a voice murmurs almost directly in my ear. "Having fun, Your Highness?"

I look to my left and almost smack Akira with my forehead. She's riding on her own black horse, Raijū (A/N Raijū means "Lightning Beast" Shoutout to all my fellow Yona of the Dawn fans!) She wears her usual sly smile and cinnamon scent, and she looks as though she can barely keep from laughing. Kasumi doesn't notice as she continues talking. I almost growl at the girl next to me. "Why are you here? Come to watch me suffer?" She grins. "Oh, it's not just me. Ichiro's here too." WHAT?! My younger brother sided with my archenemy?! Whatever happened to family first?! I look over Akira's shoulder, and my brother is indeed standing a little ways away, watching our conversation with a wide grin. "HEY!! AKIRA!! WHY ARE YOU RUINING MY ALONE TIME WITH PRINCE KAI??!!?!!?!"

...Ouch. Who knew Kasumi could yell like that?

Akira straightens up immediately with an apologetic look on her face. "Forgive me, my lady." Kasumi glares at her, not bothering to hide her rage. "We were in the middle of talking about my birthday feast! Which you will NOT be invited to, by the way!" Akira looks slightly surprised. "Why am I not invited, my lady? Was it something I said?" Kasumi wears a devilish smile. "No. But you have no fashion sense at all! Why would I want someone who looked as hideous as you to show up at a celebration in my honor? It simply wouldn't look good!" Yikes, harsh.

Akira says nothing, her expression blank. She rides off on Raijū, and then disappears. For some reason, I feel slightly sorry for her. Kasumi has always acted as though Akira was nothing but an ant that was meant to be stepped on. No one should be treated like that. "Lady Kasumi, don't you think that was a bit severe?" She looks as though she could spit. "No. I don't.

"A servant like her deserves no respect."

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