Modern Day

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'Sup guys! It is here, the modern day version of the gang, mainly focusing around Akira and who she dates.

First is Jaeha, Kai, then Shin-ha.

There are two schools, Ryuu High School and Gen no Academy (Dragon high school and original academy)

Ryuu High School Students:

Akira: 17 years old, 11th grade

Hak: 18 years old, 12th grade

Yona: 16 years old, 10th grade

Yun: 15 years old, 9th grade

Shin-ha: 18 years old, 12th grade

Zeno: 17 years old, 11th grade

Gen no Academy Students:

Kai: 18 years old, 12th grade

Ichiro: 16 years old, 10th grade

Kasumi: 16 years old, 10th grade

Kija is in Peinto University, going for a masters degree in art (He's 20 years old) and the school is three hours away by plane.

Jaeha attends Ishi university, which is only 45 minutes by car from town.

P.S. I know that Akira and who she dates are all in late high school (or college) but no they haven't slept with one another, so stop making those Lenny faces and let's get started!

First up is Jaeha, who is 25 years old as you already know, and is currently in his third year of medical school, looking to become a neurosurgeon.

Yeah, the dude has big dreams.

The school year has just started, BTW.

Everything is in Akira's POV and in past tense, so enjoy!


"Hey, isn't that the girl?"

I flicked my gaze over to the right of my locker, where I was packing my things, coming back from the after-school martial arts class I teach for college credit. I saw two sophomore girls standing at the corner of the hallways. They weren't doing much to whisper, so I'm pretty sure they wanted me to hear them, but I payed them no heed.

Okay, that's a lie. I eavesdropped on their conversation and watched them out of the corner of my eyes.

I was curious. So sue me.

One of the girls looked confused. "What do you mean?"

Her friend rolled her eyes. "Duh! She's the one who's dating an older dude!"

The other girl wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Ewww! She's that desperate? Ugh, some girls will spread their legs for anyone these days." She blatantly looked over at me, and in response, I smirked at her.

"Yeah, you would know," I said, closing my locker. "After all, you are the girl who was so desperate to get a B in geography that you offered to sleep with the 54 year-old teacher."

The girl flushed, and her friend stepped forward in anger. "Hey, don't start putting her down because of your problems!" I tapped my chin in mock thought. "But isn't that exactly what you two are doing? Making fun of my love life because you have some sort of problem with me?"

"T-that'" Both sophomores went quiet, and I let out a sigh. "Just because I date someone who's older doesn't mean that I'm just some slut. Love is love, and I love him. So don't start spreading false rumors just because you don't like me, and don't you dare make fun of my boyfriend."

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