Chapter Thirty-Five

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I carefully aim up at the bird, the feathers of my arrow brushing my cheek. Almost...almost...


Another arrow comes from behind me, striking the bird. Furious, I turn around, and come face to face with a pretty, red-haired girl.

"Are you Ichiro?"

I stare at her, then put on my confused face. "No, I think you have the wrong person. More importantly-" I gesture angrily to the fallen bird. "Were you not able to see me aiming for that or something?!"

"You are Akira's friend, aren't you?" At this, I pause. "You know Akira?"

A black-haired man emerges from behind the girl. "She's my sister. Is she with you?"

Several people are standing behind the girl now, and I recognize their appearances. "You're Yona and company, aren't you? Akira talks about you guys a lot."

"So she's okay?" This time, the green-haired man speaks up, and I nod. "Take us to her."

"Ah, well you see..."

The black-haired man, I believe Akira said his name was Hak, glares at me. "What?"

"She's out on a date right now."



"Can you hold my hand?"


"Then can I hold your hand?"


I walk through the marketplace with purpose, deliberately ignoring the persistent male following me. Kai pouts. "But we had such a beautiful moment! Can't we show some affection towards one another?"

"I don't even get why that's necessary. I mean, we're in public too," I comment, inspecting a new hair ribbon at a stall. Kai gasps. "You mean you want to save everything for when we're in private? Akira!"


He jogs so that he's next to me and laces his finger in mine. I flush slightly, but keep walking. "I, personally, like hand-holding. It's our first date, so we can take it slow."

"We're literally just here to get salt and rice. It's not a date."

"Well then, let's make it one!"

We continue to argue as we walk through town, and reach a laundry house. A bunch of the women whistle, sneaking looks at Kai.

One washerwoman, practically spilling out of her bodice, leans towards him from where she sits. "If you ever get tired of skin and bones, feel free to find me."

I suddenly feel very embarrassed. The kidnapping and Yuki ordeal had put me through so much stress that I have lost an unhealthy amount of weight. My skin is translucent, my cheeks sunken, and any softness or muscle I had once had was long gone.

I wrap my cloak tighter around myself, ashamed. Maybe I'm not good enough. Who am I even kidding? This guy had maids throwing themselves at him back at the palace, and they had much more to offer than me. Why should I even bother?

Kai smiles at the woman. "I'm flattered, but I'm happy with her." He pulls me along, ignoring the shock on my face. "You weren't going to say yes?"

He stops, and looks back at me, confused. "No...? Why would I?"

"B-but...but she was much prettier than me!"

"Really?" He glances back where the lady sits, then looks at me. "Nah. Let's go."

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