Chapter Thirty-Four

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*A few days before the group has rescued Akira*

Kasumi & Ichiro approach Kai, who is sitting under a tree.

Ichiro: Okay, bro. Listen up. You need to calm the hell down. I get that you miss Akira, but that doesn't give you the right to act like this.

Kai: Act like what? What are you talking about?

Kasumi: Kai, for the last two days, you've spent your time throwing rocks at old couples!


Yeah okay little entertainment scene, now back to le story.


"Big brother! I found some!"

The little girl waved a small bunch of daisies in the air, and her brother jogged over. He smiled at the flowers. "Good job, Aki! These will be perfect!"

Akira absentmindedly popped her thumb in her mouth. "What do you need these for, again?"

Shin grinned at his little sister. "These are for Chiho, the girl who I've been seeing the last few weeks."

"You have to bring her flowers?"

"Yeah, I want her and her parents to like me." He kneeled down and looked his little sister in the eye. "If you find someone who starts to bring you flowers, Akira, tell me, because I need to make sure they're worthy of you.

Akira giggled and nodded. "I will!"

Her brother stood and laughed, but was cut off short by a gurgling sound. Blood streamed from his mouth, and the knife in his chest gleamed wickedly. "Aki..."

Akira gasped, suddenly tall enough to look him in the eye. The daisies withered in her hand, and she reached out for her brother. ", please..."

He sank to his knees and looked up at her, pleading. "Why...I was your brother, Aki...why would you hurt me?"

Her feet were frozen in place, and out of desperation, she shut her eyes, crying. "I didn't want to! She...she made me!"

Strong hands gripped her wrists, yanking them away from her face. "Look at me, little sister. Look at what you did to me."

He was older, now, and blood still dripped from his lips, his empty eyes staring at her. She screamed and tried to wrench away, but her strength was gone.

His appearance changed, his hair shortening and turning blue, his eyes going slit-pupiled and gold. He quietly asked, "No more sunsets...?"

"No, let me go!"

More faces flashed in front of her, Hak, Jaeha, Ichiro, and finally...

A large, calloused hand rested against her cheek, and turned her to face him. He smiled at her gently, his emerald eyes glowing. "Will you do the same to us, Aki?"

He kissed her, and she tasted iron in her mouth. Blood fell from their lips, and the knife handle dug into her chest as he pressed her closer.

She pulled away, and his eyes flashed, his bloody smile drooping. "I knew it."

He turned away, and Akira sank to the ground, shaking. A woman's voice whispered in her ear. "You defied me."

"You n-never loved him," Aki stuttered, tears dripping from her eyes. "Y-you tried, b-but you couldn't."

Her tears froze as they hit the ground, and eventually, her eyes were coated in ice. "And what makes you think he loves you?"

"Remember, Aki dear, I AM you."

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