Chapter Forty-Seven

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General Yan has not spoken for the past fifteen minutes.

He simply sits at the table, distraught. He fidgets occasionally, but I can tell he's deep in thought. Akemi sits next to him, nervously watching him think. I sit across from them, waiting patiently.

If there is anyone who can understand the pain of the truth, it's me.

When he does finally speak, it is to his daughter. "How long have you known about this?"

"Only a week, Father," she replies, wringing her hands. "I-I didn't want to come to you without proof."

"I see." He lets out a breath, and in his eyes I can see the depths of his emotion. "I've failed my Clan," he says softly, and Akemi hurries to reassure him. "No, you didn't-"

"I did." He shakes his head, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes. "I forced young men into a snake's army and thought I was doing the right thing. I thought Akihiro would bring this country new glory, but instead..." he trails off, looking stricken.

I steeple my hands, giving him a moment to collect himself. "You have not failed your people."


I hold up my hand, and he stops. "You did what you thought was best, and that is what a good leader does. Akihiro has deceived many people for many years - if you believed in him then I do not hold it against you." My voice darkens, both sorrowful and angry. "I trusted him, and look where I am now."

We are both silent as the weight of betrayal presses down on us. I speak slowly, trying to choose the right words. "It took me a long time to decide if I wanted to reclaim my throne. It took me even longer to know if it was for selfish reasons or not." I rest my chin on my hands, leaning on the table slightly. "I have been exposed to many cruel truths over the past months, and I realized that I have no one to model myself after. Not Akihiro, not even my father. I have to make my own choices as I see fit. So, I must ask you now," I look him squarely in the eye. "Do you think you can follow me, and obey my orders? Trust my rule? Because if you cannot, I must request that you allow your daughter to take your place as chief."

He looks unsure, and Akemi glares at me "Sato-"

"It is his decision," I say flatly. "If he cannot wholeheartedly believe in us, then he cannot take part." We have no room for people who do not know where their hearts lie, sad as it may be.

After a few moments, Yan finally speaks. "I need time."

"I cannot give you that."

"Trust is not born overnight, Kaito," he states, and I glare. "And were these any other circumstances, I would give you as much time as you need, but we must act quickly, so that-"

A spike of pain goes through my head and I grunt, clutching the table's edges. An enraged yell fills my ears before I manage to rein Nikkō back in. Akemi gives me a suspicious look. "Sato?"

I grit my teeth and manage to speak through the agony. "If you cannot swear me your allegiance now, then give your daughter your place. We do not have the luxury of time."

Yan's brows furrow, and he gives his daughter a searching look. "Do you believe in him?"

She hesitates, and I see her eyes flick to the scars on her wrist, before looking back at Yan. "I do."

He lets out a sigh. "Then, I trust you." His gaze is a mix of pride and sorrow. "I have taught you good judgement, daughter; use it when you lead the clan."

Akemi's eyes go wide. "But Father, you can still join us!"

He shakes his head. "I am not fit to continue leading. My resolve has been shaken too much, but I believe in your abilities. If you believe that Kaito will be a good king, then I will trust you with our people."

Her face becomes steely as she turns to me. "He'll be a great king." The look in her eyes tells me I have no other choice.

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