Chapter Eighteen

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This takes place about a day or two after Akira received her powers.

Quick Recap:

Ik-su saw that Akira was the Chosen One of the Winter Dragon, and tells her about the three other Chosen, and how they will seek them out. Akira receives her powers from Yuki, the human form of the Winter Dragon, and gets a large, silver dragon wrapped around her right arm, like a tattoo. Akira receiving her powers caused Kai, the Chosen One of the Summer Dragon, to be contacted by the Summer Dragon, and receive his powers, along with two others, who are currently unknown.

Akira is now trying to find out more about her powers...

WARNING: contains a bit of Hak x Yona (Hona? Yonak? Yak? XD yaks)


I roll back my shoulders, crack my knuckles, and draw my fist back. I aim for the center of the trunk of the iron wood tree, and my fist flies into the wood.



The force of the attack sends spidery cracks along the bark, splintering the entire tree into a pile of firewood.

I used to punch iron woods to harden my hands, and to train myself to feel nothing. Now, iron woods are useless for this purpose.

As the result of some tests after I received my powers (these tests involved 22 bricks, several nearby boulders, and an arm-wrestling competition between me and everyone else, except for Yona, Yun, Ik-su, and Zeno) I realized that my entire body's strength had been multiplied by at least one hundred, and that both my arms and legs were way stronger than Jae-ha's leg & Kija's arm. Kija seemed way more hurt by this than Jae-ha. Although I can't jump really high like Jae-ha, or enlarge my arm like Kija, I'm still a lot stronger than I was, and I've gotten better reflexes, concentration, and the blue highlights in my hair aren't too bad either.

Hak, Kija, and Jae-ha agreed to train me on how to focus the raw power I've been given, and how to concentrate it into skillful fighting technique. Since I'm not used to this much strength, I sometimes use too much when handling other objects. For example, Yun asked me to hand him one of the knives he needed. I squeezed the handle too hard, and turned it into a pile of black & silver dust.

I was almost deprived of my dinner.

I was sent out to collect firewood, but as part of my training, I couldn't use an ax, or any type of cutting tool. So here I am, punching trees.

"Akira?" a small, timid voice sounds out behind me.  turn to see Yona, with her arms behind her back and a slightly embarrassed look on her face. "Hmm? What's up, Princess?" She fidgets slightly. "C-can I talk to you about something?" I nod, and sit down on a fallen log, patting the area next to me. "What is it?" Yona flushes. "W-well, you see, you might already know..."

"About the giganticus crush you have on my older brother, and how you're too scared to tell him how you feel because you're afraid he'll laugh, but at the same time you really want to tell him because for some reason, you feel your heart squeeze every time you see him talking to some other girl? Yeah, I already know about that." She stares at me, dumbfounded. "How did you know that much?" I shrug. "You're really easy to read, Yona. You might wanna change that in the near future."

She nods. "Anyway, that's basically my problem. Can you help me out?" I sigh, and ruffle my hair. "Girl talk is something that I've avoided for my entire life, but since you clearly need my help, I'll do it just this once." She grins widely, and I continue speaking.

"You don't want him to tease you, yes?"


"Why do you think he'll tease you?"

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