Chapter Fifteen

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600 reads! I'm...I'm so happy...just give me a minute...

*sobs happily*

Phew...I'm okay now. I re-updated chapters 13 and 14 with the little end stories. If you wanna read em, please do!


"You stick your pretty little neck into places where it don't belong, you gonna get hurt, missy."

I'm currently surrounded by a bunch of bandits. I'm about 3 days from the borders of Kouka and Hikari, but since I have to avoid main roads and towns, it takes a while. Otherwise, I would be in Kouka in a few hours.

I've reached the lands near the Ōkami Clan's capitol, Kawa. These forests are packed with thieves that steal money, women and children. Or at least they were packed. I've been in these forests for a day, and I've already handed over about three gangs of robbers. I didn't show myself to any guards though. I'd wait until they came around on patrol, then I'd just toss the tied up, bloodied, mostly conscious bandits in front of them. The soldiers tried to find me, but I just disappeared into the trees.

Which brings me to now.

A gang of about forty, rough looking men are surrounding me, some demanding money. But mostly, they are just...ogling me. The leader who stands in front of me, even while speaking, is darting appreciative looks up and down my body. It's disgusting, but quite honestly, I don't even care enough to beat them up.

*Sigh* "Look pal, I've had a long day, and I really don't want to use up anymore energy beating up a bunch of creeps." The leader, a man with a horrid smell and dirty face (let's call him Stinky Pits for now) just smirks and taps his knife against my cheek. "Well, you shoulda thought of that before you came here alone. You'd probably fetch a high price..." He reaches out to touch my hair, but suddenly-


-is bitten by Ren's sharp little teeth. "AUGH!" Stinky Pits cradles his index finger, which is now sporting tiny droplets of blood. I roll my eyes. "I don't have the time to deal with someone who can't even handle a tiny fox. I'll be leaving now." Without even waiting for an answer, I walk past him towards the trees.


I whip around, catching the fist aimed for my head mere inches from my nose. I smirk. "You probably shouldn't have done that." I squeeze the man's fist and SNAP! His fingers are crushed. "AAAAAHHHH!!!" The men are all shocked, but they rush at me. "DON'T TAKE US LIGHTLY!!!" Dozens of knives and daggers are pointed at me, but I just hold my spear out in front of me, an evil grin on my face.

I rush forward and swing my spear, slicing through the stomachs of the first wave of bandits.. The others are frightened by my speed, and scream, "BAKEMONO!!" (MONSTER!!) I frown and scratch my neck. "Well that's rude. How can you call such a beautiful woman a monster?" Thye respond by by running at me once more. "YOU STUPID LITTLE BI-"

I swing my spear. They stop yelling insults.

I look around at the bloodshed and carnage. Bodies with their stomachs cut open, blood pooling on the ground, gore freckling my weapon. I sigh. "How annoying." I wipe off the blood and gore from my spear with one of the men's scarves, and continue walking towards Kouka.

*some days later*


I yawn loudly. "Oi, Mother, it's almost sunset, can we set up camp now?" Yun sighs, not even possessing enough energy to yell at me. "Yeah, that sounds good. I'll make dinner." My eyes fall on Yona, who's eyes are half closed and seems exhausted. I notice some dirt on her brow, and rub it off with my thumb. She flinches at my sudden action. "H-Hak...w-what are you..." "There was some dirt on your face, Princess." She flushes in embarrassment. "O-oh..."

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