Chapter Ten

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The group walks behind me as I navigate through the forest towards the village. I haven't been there in a while, but I'm certain everyone remembers me. After all, how can you forget the lady who saved your home from the iron fist of a cruel leader?

However, the villagers are not aware that I'm actually Lady Akira, and I would like to keep it that way. The village is not exactly up to date on all the news from the capital of Miru, so they wouldn't be aware that the Tiger Lily and I are one in the same. I can't say the same for the others, though.

Before we reach the village, I turn around to address the other three. "Listen, we need to create some identities for you, because I don't want the villagers to realize that you are two princes and a princess on the run with one of the most powerful warriors in the country." Everyone nods, even Kasumi, who's expression has been dull since we left the spring.

"So, we could just be travelling companions, right?" Kai asks. I nod. "Okay, so we need some new names," Ichiro says, tapping his finger on his chin in thought. "Um, I'll be...Mikoto." Kai grins mischievously. "I'll be...Hideaki! Because, obviously, I possess plenty of excellence." (A/N Hideaki is pronounced: Hid-ay-aki and means shining excellence) I simply roll my eyes and turn to Kasumi, who's been silent the entire time. "What is your name going to be, princess?" Kasumi closes her eyes for a second, then speaks, her voice colorless. "...Mariko."

"Okay, so Ichiro is Mikoto, Kai is Hideaki, and Kasumi is Mariko. Everyone at the village knows me as simply Kira, so get used to calling me that."

Suddenly, I sense movement behind me, and unsheathe my spear, pointing it at the bushes. "Who's there?" The bushes rustle and the leaves part to reveal...

"Yip! Yip!"

...a tiny white fox.

It stares up at me with wide eyes, not remotely bothered by the sharp blade a mere inch from its head. Instead, it runs up the shaft onto my shoulder and nuzzles its face into my cheek.

"What...what is this?"

A look of surprise on my face, I slowly reach up and pet the fox's head. It gives a joyful squeak and cuddles against my cheek, wrapping itself in my hair. I look up to see Ichiro and Kai staring at me, their faces tinged red.


Sparkles and roses fly around those two. Akira looks surprised and pets the fox's head, who curls up in her hair.

Kawaii... (Means cute)


I take the fox off my shoulder and into my hands. It's small enough to fit in my palms and has the softest fur I've ever felt. Its snowy pelt is quite smooth, and its small tail waves back and forth.

Ichiro shakes his head and focuses on the fox. "Hey, I saw that little guy back at the spring! Has he been following us this whole time?" Kasumi smiles for the first time in a while. "He's really cute!" Kai walks over and attempts to pet the fox's head, but it promptly squeaks and scrambles back onto my shoulder, cowering against me. "Looks like he has good judgement," I say. Kai scowls at me and backs off.

I sigh. "I guess I'll keep him. Hopefully when Eclipse comes back, she won't try to eat the little guy..." I scratch between the fox's ears. "I'm going to call you... Ren." (Means Lotus)

Kai smirks at me. "You know, with a kawaii fox on your shoulder, you won't look as intimidating. Maybe you'll finally gain some appeal." I respond by smacking him over the head. Suddenly, a thought comes to me. "Dang it, Eclipse...! If she heads back to the castle and they find her, we'll lose our only way of communication to my ally." Ichiro raises his eyebrows at the word 'ally' but simply reassures me. "She's a smart hawk, she'll know something's up. Besides, you've got him to comfort you." He points to Ren, who is now attempting to eat the finger I have been petting him with. "Yip!"

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