Chapter Forty-Six

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Recap: Akira has just returned to Hikari and has returned Kasumi as a peace offering. She is currently discussing an alliance with Akihiro.


"It's scary how convincing she is," I mutter, my ear pressed against the back of the shelf. Kai furrows his brow. "I don't think she's lying this time."

I blink, and Father taps his fingers against his arm. "Akemi, I can't believe that Akihiro would-"

"Please, Father," I beg, looking him in the eye. "You have to know what kind of man you're serving. Please, just be patient."

If we lose anymore citizens to this, I'll never be able to look him in the eye again.

Irritation flashes in his eyes, but he quiets. The space behind the alcohol shelf is barely wide enough for two people, and Kai stands in the tunnel behind me and Father. Akira's and the general's voices just barely make it through the shelf.

"Little lily, I can't give you what you want. There is too much at stake for the kingdom."

We all go silent as we hear Akihiro speak again.

"You could use me. I can help you." I peak through the small crack between the shelf and the wall to see her slap down an armband on the table. Akihiro's expression falters for only a moment.

"Imagine, sensei, I go to Kouka to visit the king, an acquaintance of mine. And who do I find but a subpar assassin that barely has the sense to keep to the shadows." She looks up at him, and he chuckles. "I had no knowledge that someone had been sent."

"Oh, I see. No wonder you aren't the king yet, seeing as you evidently have no idea what the people in your council are supposedly doing."

I hear his growl, and she continues to push the issue. "I could have done better when I was fourteen. You need me."

Akihiro paces. "Well, I can't very well have you come back now, even if you could help me as you say." At those words, I feel Father stiffen next to me. He admitted it.


"You've been accused of kidnapping my daughter, after all. I can't make that go away."

"Then..." Akira thinks for a moment. "...execute me."

Kai's jaw drops. "What is she-"

"Ssh!" I interrupt him, and I notice Father clench his fists. "That cowardly son of a bitch..."

"I highly doubt that even you are capable enough to survive a beheading, or the noose. Though, I'm sure it would be entertaining to watch you try." Akihiro sits back down and takes a large sip of sake, evidently close to his wit's end. Akira leans forward, intent. "No, really. Stage an execution. People will think that I'm dead, the princes are dead, and you won't have to deal with my being alive. I could stay in the background, do whatever you ask of me." She grins almost hungrily. "Isn't that the job of an assassin?"

Father seethes next to me, betrayal in his eyes at the discovery that his king would resort to assassination. Akihiro crosses his arms. "I see..."

Akira waits, and for a moment, I almost think he'll say yes, before he sighs. "I will...consider it. You shall receive my answer soon."

The young woman's nose wrinkles with annoyance, but she nods. Akihiro stands and escorts her back outside. Kai exhales and I turn to Father, whose expression is steeped in darkness. "...Father...?"

He speaks in a shaky voice. "We should get back to Ikari. We have...a lot to discuss."


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