Chapter Forty

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"Are you sure? We can wait until Akemi becomes chief-"

"I'm sure," I say, trying to keep the nervous quaver out of my voice. "I need to know if...if he values the kingdom the way a king should."

Kai gives me a nod, and snaps the reins, spurring his horse to ride. I hold onto him tightly and focus on keeping my balance, afraid that if I think about my father, I'll fall off the saddle.

"Do you want to speak to him first, or should I?"

"I...I think I wanna do this on my own."

I feel him stiffen. "I don't think-"

"This is as much for me as it is for you, Kai. Besides, maybe I can convince him to step down. I mean," I draw in a shaky breath, "I'm his daughter. I know he cares about me."

Are you sure?

A niggle of doubt crawls through my brain, and I shudder and steel myself. "Let's go."


Eventually, we reach the outskirts of Miru, the capitol. We dismount and Kai turns to me. "We'll sneak into the palace. I'm sure you'll need the privacy. Besides," he looks distressed, "if this goes wrong, we don't need him to have an opportunity to capture me."

"What do you mean? You're the prince-"

"Yeah, and there were many soldiers who worked under him instead of me the night we were chased out. I have a feeling Commander Maya had a hand in it as well, though for what reason, I am not sure. If we just walk in, all his soldiers will be on alert, and Akihiro could have me imprisoned - at the very least."

I nod, aware of where this train of thought leads. I look up and see the bothered look on Kai's face. "What is it? I mean, besides everything that's happened up until now."

He chuckles tiredly, before his lips twist back into a frown. "The day we were chased out...he tried to have me kill Akira. He whispered something in my ear."

"What was it?"

He turns to me, his face pained. "They're all against you. That's what he said. But not to me." Kai grimaced. "He said it to Nikkō. He knew,  somehow, that Akira and I were both connected to the legend."

My brows furrow. " would he have known that? None of us had any idea until you collapsed that one day, and that mark appeared on your arm."

Kai shakes his head. "I don't know. But it just adds more weight to the question I need answered."

"And what question is that?"

He smiles at me, both sadly and knowingly, and I sigh. Yes, I know what he needs to ask. It's what I need to ask as well.


Kai guides me through the city, our hoods up and our heads low. We climb over the back wall of the palace. We sneak through the hallways, ducking into rooms and around corners to avoid the guards. With each step we take, my heart pounds louder and louder.

Eventually, we reach the central courtyard, which is outside of the king's room. The room where my father now sleeps. Kai helps me up the cherry blossom tree, and we perch outside the window of the room, our dark cloaks letting us blend with the roof. "Ready?" he mouths, and I nod. He tests the shutters, and as expected, they are locked from the inside.

"We'll have to break it," I whisper, but Kai shakes his head. He gestures to the bottom of the window, where light shines through. My father's awake. Kai nods at me, and I draw in a breath. Hesitantly, I knock on the shutter. "Father...?"

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