Chapter Twelve

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As Akira speaks with Elder Shiro, I observe the new guy, Yamato. I immediately dislike him, with his brooding expression and his familiarity with Akira. I clench my fists at my sides as Shiro says, "You two would've been a perfect match for one another!" while pointing at Yamato and Akira, as if I don't even exist.

Yamato glances at me. "So you were the one Kira picked, huh?" I make no attempt to hide my frown. "Yeah, I was. Guess you should've put a ring on it when you still had her, huh?" Suddenly, I feel a pain in my side. "Hideaki! Don't be rude!" Akira chastises me after elbowing my ribs. OH COME ON!!!! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE ICE COLD TIGER LILY, NOT THE GIRL WHO FALLS FOR SOME PRETTY BOY!!!

Akira winces, her hand drifting to her back. "Ugh..." Elder Shiro raises his eyebrows."My dear, are you hurt?" Ichiro answers. "She was sliced in the back by a bear we encountered in the forest." I nod. "She needs some proper treatment."

Elder Shiro nods. "We will continue this conversation after you rest a bit, Kira. Yamato, go tell the servants to prepare a room for her." Yamato swiftly leaves, thank goodness. Akira waves off our attempts to help, and stands up, Elder Shiro leading her to her room. Ren scampers behind them, but not before turning around and....

D-did that fox just stick his tongue out at me?!?!



I sit against the wall of my new room, my head aching.

A little while ago, the wound on my back had been stitched and treated by some of the servants. I'm grateful, but we can't stay at the village for too long. Sooner or later, palace soldiers will arrive. And I can't let myself get caught.

Not even looking up, I say out loud, "Elder, Yamato, you can come in." A moment later, the two males enter the room. "How did you know we were out there?" Yamato questions. "Sensed you were coming."

Elder Shiro sat down before me, and gave a smile. "So, how are you enjoying your visit so far, Lady Akira?" My head snaps up sharply, eyes widened. "How did you-?" Yamato answers in a cool tone of voice. "Don't worry, no one else knows. We heard about the famed Tiger Lily of Hinode Palace only a year after you first came here. Based on what we found out, it didn't take long to put the pieces together." I sigh, slightly annoyed that I've been found out and my cover destroyed.

"Then, you know about the other three?" Elder Shiro nods. "We won't tell anyone, but I have to ask, why are they with you, and so far from the palace?" I look away, my eyes darkening. "...It's a long story." The two men glance at each other, then turn back to me. "We won't ask about that, then. But for how long are you going to stay?"

I turn back to them. "That's the thing. I'm leaving, not them." Yamato gives a start at my answer. "Excuse me?" I continue talking. "Those three are going to stay here, as normal citizens, and you are going to watch over them." The look in my eyes makes it clear that I'm not giving them a choice. Elder Shiro gives me a stern look. "What are you going to do? My guess is that you want avoid detection." I nod. "If the palace soldiers find me, I'll be dead, the princes and the girl will be dead, and this town will be doomed for harboring us 'fugitives'."

"So, you're just going to run away?" Yamato is clearly disappointed in me, but I don't care. I've made up my mind. "I will run away because I don't care about them. I don't give a crud about what happens to this country. They could all be killed right in front of me, and I wouldn't bat an eye. I was never loyal to anyone except for the one person I care about, and he's miles away." The two stare at me, shocked by the words that flow so easily from my lips. But it's the truth.

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