Chapter Forty-Five

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Kasumi struggles desperately against Akira's grip. "Let go!" Her eyes go wide when she sees me. "Don't!"

I compose myself, and step closer, until I'm only a foot or so away. "What are your terms?"

The warrior quirks an eyebrow, then laughs. "Terms? Oh, none."

She shoves Kasumi away from her, and the girl falls to the ground with a cry. She scrambles to get up and run, but I motion to the guard to restrain her. "No!" she sobs, writhing. "I can't!"

I do my best to ignore her, keeping my eyes on Akira. She crosses her arms. "What?"

"What do you want?"

"Didn't I say she's a present?"


"Ooh, is that your commander voice?" She laughs again, but when she opens her eyes this time, they're cold and empty. "Adorable."

I grimace at her flat, blank smile, and she holds up her hands. "I do respect you though, so I'll be simple."

She walks closer, and I don't budge, until she's directly in front of me. "You can go ahead and cuff me. I just request a few minutes with our new monarch."

I look down at her, unimpressed. "You and I both know you can break out of cuffs easily."

"Yes, I'm sure that fact ruined your fantasies."

I ignore her last comment, not fond of this new, overly assertive Akira. "What makes you think I would let you speak to the regent alone?"

She shrugs. "Well, okay then. Don't arrest me, let me walk free. Or just take me to a cell. The thing is, I can either speak with him in a civil environment, or..." she looks up at me, her chilling grin never wavering. "You wake up in the middle of the night to the news that a dangerous fugitive is holding the king - oh, sorry, regent - hostage, and I still get what I want, except this time, you won't have my guarantee of his safety."

I stare at her, shocked.

I knew Akira when she lived at the palace. Hell, I even helped train her on occasion. She was never like this. Cold, yes, but in a quiet, aloof way, not so overtly...cruel.

I look over at where Kasumi is being restrained by the guard, and sigh. The girl hits his arms uselessly, tears down her cheeks. "...take her to her room, please."

"NO!" Kasumi screams and struggles as she's pulled away, and I motion to the guard who came to see me. He steps forward and hands over a pair of cuffs, held with a chain about two feet long.

Akira chuckles as I turn back to her. "Oh, now comes the fun part, right?"

"Hilarious," I mutter, fastening them around her wrists, her hands held in front of her. She raises an eyebrow. "Not behind?"

I look up from inspecting the cuffs. "Akira, I've fought you enough times to know that these things are nothing to you. Whether your hands are behind your back or in front of you makes no difference."

"Oh, so you do pay attention."


Two guards try to take her by the arms to escort her. The look she sends them makes them freeze, and I wave them away.

We are on our own as we go towards the throne room. Even the soldiers at their castle posts who gawk and stare at the returning traitor don't matter, not really.

I speak, not even looking at Akira. "Why bring her back?"

She rolls her eyes and stretches her arms lazily. "Oh, that's right. I kidnapped her, didn't I?"

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