Thank you

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Hello, all my readers. Before I continue the story, I would like to thank a few people for various reasons, from personally encouraging me to just making me laugh.

I would like to thank:

-chasing_galaxies for giving me good advice for my stories, and for being such a good friend in real life. Thanks for putting up with my pessimism, and for commenting on this story.

A lot.

You rock.

amazingartgirl for also commenting on my story and for supporting my ideas. Good luck with your stories.

JeeMeetsPanda for writing the best AkaNoYona scenario book EVER. Keep writing.

Tebocchi for writing the most amazing AkaNoYona fanfic EVER!!! Love your book, can't stop reading it.

L3AFY-chan Mimi-chan13 SnowyAkuma for your hilarious comment convos and for just being awesome in general. Your comments always make me laugh, and I thank you for that.
Also, Leafy-chan, I love your AkaNoYona truth or dare book. Thanks for that too!

MusicHeart10 for introducing me to manga and anime. I wouldn't be so into it if it weren't for you.

bluefairywrites for introducing me to Wattpad. My life is now 10x better, so thank you.

PogoWrite1 for...actually, not too sure, just didn't want to leave you out. Thank you for...existing?

Mizuho Kusanagi for writing Yona of the dawn.

And, lastly, to all of my readers. Thank you for supporting me and reading my book.


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