Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Sir, there's a report that a soldier sighted Akira near the southwest border."

I raise my eyebrows. "Oh? Can they confirm that it was her?"

"Yes, sir. They described a young woman with jet hair and silver eyes, although her body type and hair length don't appear to match up..."

"Well, let's assume that it was her. Was she in the company of anyone?" I give Commander Shisen my full attention, setting down the papers I have been viewing.

"She was with a black-haired man and girl with red hair, and the soldier isn't sure, but..."

"But?" I ask irritably. "Well, they thought they saw Prince Kai, although they are not certain."

I grimace slightly, my fingers tapping a rhythm against my desk. "What clan was this soldier allied with?"

"The Hyō Clan, sir."

"I trust he was intercepted before he could report back to General Yan?"

"Yes, sir. He's being held in one of the cells as we speak."

"Good. Keep him there, but treat him with civility. Send a patrol to the southwest border to find Akira and whomever she is with, and bring them here if they are found." I look back at the papers I had been reviewing with a sad look. "I grow tired of having to send young men away from their mothers."

"Yes, sir." Commander Shisen salutes, and leaves for the barracks. I lace my fingers together, deep in thought.

Hopefully she hasn't gotten herself into too much trouble.

...but on second thought, I have no idea where she even draws that line.

I chuckle slightly at the memories.


"I heard you aren't coming to the banquet."

She looks over at me from where she leans against the wall, and I'm surprised to see her lips pursed. "It's more so that I was told that I wasn't welcome."

I smile at her pouty lip and stand next to her. "Just break the rules. You'll be missing out."

"Oh? On what?"

"Dancing, food, me..."

At this, she laughs. "Can't miss that last one."

I resist the urge to cup her hand in mine, and I see her own fingers twitch. There are guards stationed only a few feet away, so we must stand and appear to be talking casually.

As opposed to doing much more exciting things.

"It's alright, you know. Not like I would have been able to enjoy myself anyway, with Lady Hina breathing down my neck." She crosses her arms and her brows furrow.

"What did she even say to you?"

"I believe her exact words were, 'I don't want people to think that my husband associates with wretched little girls who spend their time rolling in the muds like pigs.'"

I wince. "Ouch. I don't think I've ever seen you roll in mud, though."

She nods, her angry expression giving way to a slightly amused one. "I think she was just angry that I've beaten Lord Osamu in every match we've been in."

"If I recall correctly, he praises you for that."

"He does, and he even said that if I didn't show up and beat him in a drinking contest then he'd lose all respect for me."

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