Chapter Fifty

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One week later...


We're camped out after several days of marching, only half a day away from the palace. The fatigue puts us at a distinct disadvantage, but we cannot afford to back down.

It's very early in the morning, the sun just beginning to peak past the faraway trees. In a few hours, we'll be moving again,

The strategic meetings and training all blur together in my head as I stare out at the field. The message has been sent; it is only a matter of time before we reach, and face them.

I wonder if this will all be worth it, in the end. If my leadership could be what saves Hikari, and maybe that could make up for whatever lives are lost today.


I cringe at the familiar voice, Nikkō immediately slamming his fists against the sides of my mind as I turn to face Akira. Her face is dull, and she wrings her hands.

"Everyone is preparing. You should be there."

I inhale deeply, terror spiking through my heart as I imagine facing down a whole army. "Alright. Just give me a minute."

She nods and turns away, but I catch the look on her face as she does. I try to think of something to say to her, but... there's nothing good to say. There's not enough time.

I wish I could've been married to her longer. I wish I could've just told her what she meant to me sooner.

I watch her go, inhuman rage bubbling up inside. A new fear occurs to me; the fear that I won't be able to get him to leave, that he'll dig his claws in and tear me apart before he lets me go free.

My head begins to ache, and I dig my nails in my forearm to regain focus.


"We shouldn't have warned them."

I turn to look at Soron, who is lounging in a chair in the corner of my tent. "It's the honorable thing to do."

"We would've had an advantage."

I shake my head at him, then blink and turn back to him. "Wait - why are you even in my tent?"

He yawns. "Makoto kept crying about his girlfriend and how much he'll miss her if he dies. I could only stay there for so long without wanting to claw his eyes out." He rolls his neck, looking me in the eye. "Besides, you're never in here, so I didn't think you'd care."

"I guess..." I sigh and muster up a weak smile. "Do what you want."

"Oh, by the way, I have questions. You know, for afterwards."


He leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees, staring intently. "Am I going to get like, some land or something? Maybe a title?"

I roll my eyes. "You'll have to take that up with Kai. He's the one who'll be king."

"Yeah, but we have an understanding, ya know?" I stare at him blankly, and he grins. "Like, we get it, we're both alone, and have no interest in anyone else because we're lone wolves, you know, stronger by ourselves-"


"Yeah okay fine. He scares me. Especially since he and Akira have been acting like they're two steps away from committing murder."

"Well, we're all like that now, aren't we?"

He goes quiet, and I move to leave.

"A wing!" he calls after me, and I hold back a dry chuckle. "A wing of the palace named after me, or I revolt!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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