Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I pause at hearing the voice behind me, and turn to see Kai. "Oh, Kaito. What is it?"

"I will need you to write to Akemi, to convince her to meet with us."

I nod. "I can do that, but I'll need to let her know what to expect. I suppose you'll want Akira and Ichiro to accompany you, so should I-"

"Actually, it's just going to be you and me."

I blink, confused. "Wait, what?"

The tiniest smile flicks over his face. "Why wouldn't you come along? It was your idea and you are the one who knows her best."

"But...but I have no experience with war! I don't know what to say!"

"Do you care for the people in this country?"

"Of course!"

"Then that's all you need to say." He leveled a gaze at me. "I understand if you really don't feel comfortable, but think about it. Akemi is different than the chiefs. They respect self-confidence. She does as well, but if I just show up trying to convince her to turn against her own father because I think he sucks, she'll kick my ass." Kai walks a little closer, and taps my forehead, smiling gently. "You understand her best. And you are the one who could stand to lose the most from this fight. If you go to her and tell her your thoughts, she'll listen to you."

I look up at him, and for the first time, admiration doesn't cloud my vision. Kai is now just a boy to me, a close friend, someone asking me for help. And I don't feel any shame in admitting that I'm scared.

"What if...what if I can't do it? What if I fail and then you have to fight and people die-"

"If she says no, it would be because of her own feelings. Not because you fail. Blood that would be spilled would not be on your hands, or hers." Kai looks down at me, a sad determination on his features. "This is a trial for both of us. We were born with everything. I was going to inherit the kingdom, and you were gifted with a life of ease. But things are different now. I will win my throne through blood and steel. After seeing everything you have, you won't be able to go back. So it's up to you. And either choice is fine, Kasumi. Believe me when I say that you don't have to do anything I'm asking of you."

His words give me pause. "I...I don't?"

"No." He gets a faraway look in his eye, and I can tell he's thinking about Akira. "Actually, before the generals were called, I spoke to Akira. I was nervous, and looking at all my options."

"What happened?"

" I said, 'Let's run away. We'll go live a quiet life in Yamato's village and we won't have to fight this war.' I remember thinking that she would slap me."

"Did she?"

"No, surprisingly. She said that if that was what I really wanted, then that was what I should do. And she said that she would come with me, which was strange because I didn't think she would. I thought she would stay. But what she said..." He smiles to himself. "She said, 'Why would I? You are the person I believe should be king. Not one person in that room could ever have my support to rule.'" Kai grins. "That made me realize that running away felt wrong. To me, at least. Why it felt wrong, well...that's difficult. But I decided that being a quiet person in a small town wasn't for me. I want to be a leader. I want to have a purpose. A life where no matter what day I die, I know that I have no regrets."

He looks down at me, and I see the hope in his face. "You can tell me what you want, Kasumi. I will listen. If you want, I can take you to the palace to rejoin your father. I can take you to a village to escape the fighting. You can stay and be with us. There is no wrong choice. Just tell me what you want."

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